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单词 herewith
释义  here·with /ˌhɪəˈwɪð, -ˈwɪθ $ ˌhɪr-/ adverb formal  IN/INSIDEwith this letter or document 随函附上 I enclose a copy of this report herewith for your information. 我随函附上这份报道以供参考。Examples from the Corpusherewith• I am enclosing a copy of it herewith.• I enclose herewith a copy of this discussion document for your consideration.• They are too numerous to record herewith, but I shall take just one or two to illustrate the point under discussion.• Therefore, you are ordered herewith to shut up about the Marlins' payroll.• I enclose herewith two copies of the·with adverbChineseSyllable  this letter document or Corpus with




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