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单词 heretic
释义  Related topics: Religionher·e·tic /ˈherətɪk/ noun [countable]  RRsomeone who is guilty of heresy 异教徒;异端分子 Cranmer was put to death as a heretic. 克兰默被当成异教徒处死。 —heretical /həˈretɪkəl/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusheretic• Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.• He also did business with another heretic, Sir John Cheyne of Beckford, but no suspicion ever fell upon himself.• Strikes which damage the innocent are as justified in achieving the stated aim as burning heretics.• Change was popularly associated with the impious ways of foreign heretics.• By virtue of this, there does not appear to have been in Ireland any large-scale persecution of heretics.• Does the heretic suddenly fear the flames of academic oblivion?• You therefore need people in the minority who will speak, the heretics, not to say martyrs.• The heretics are not all eco-warriors and anarchists.her·e·tic nounChineseSyllable  who of someone guilty heresy is Corpus




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