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单词 paddle
释义  Related topics: Water, Outdoor, Other sports, Utensilspad·dle1 /ˈpædl/ ●○○ noun  1. TTW[countable] a short pole that is wide and flat at the end, used for moving a small boat in water 〔小船的〕短桨,桨 → oar2  [singular]DSSDLO British English when you walk for pleasure without shoes or socks in water that is not very deep 赤脚涉水〔玩〕 If it’s not too cold, we can go for a paddle. 如果不太冷的话,我们可以蹚水玩玩。3  [countable] American EnglishDSO a small round flat bat with a short handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis 〔乒乓球的〕球拍 a ping-pong paddle 乒乓球拍 →5 see picture at 见图 sport14. DFU[countable] a tool like a flat spoon, used for mixing food (平匙状)搅拌器 → dog paddleExamples from the Corpuspaddle• Thirty years ago, controlling a student might have meant reaching for a paddle or ejecting a wild child from the classroom.• Sadly, the one on page 17 shows how not to hold a paddle without making any such comment.• Many canoeists will have a style which is influenced by past use of old paddle strokes.• Folks on the right side control the right paddle.• He routinely had us grabbing our ankles to receive his stinging paddle across our butts.• Compare this map with the forward sweep paddle stroke that we teach in the Star tests.• Anyway today we had the scene where Matt had to hit me with the paddle sort of semi-accidentally.Related topics: Water, Outdoorpaddle2 verb (paddled, paddling)  1  [intransitive, transitive]TTW to move a small light boat through water, using one or more paddles 用桨划(小船)paddle along/upstream/towards etc I desperately tried to paddle for the shore. 我拼命向岸边划去。 She and her husband paddled a canoe down the Mississippi. 她和丈夫划着独木舟沿密西西比河顺流而下。 → row22  [intransitive] British EnglishDLODSS to walk for pleasure without shoes or socks in water that is not very deep 涉水,蹚水 SYN American English wade children paddling in the sea 在海边蹚水嬉戏的孩子们3  [intransitive] to swim with short quick movements 〔游泳时快速〕拨水 The dog was paddling furiously after the ducks. 那条狗在水里拼命划水追赶鸭子。4. [transitive] American English informalPUNISH to hit a child with a piece of wood as a punishment 用戒尺打〔孩子,作为惩罚〕5. paddle your own canoe British English informalINDEPENDENT PERSON to do things yourself, without help from anyone else 独立自主,自力更生→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspaddle• The two hedgehogs stood on the bank and watched as the vole paddled away.• Power surfers are towed behind a jet-ski into massive oceanic swells that move too fast to catch by paddling conventional surfboards.• Still, he paddled his way on to the U.S.• One of my earliest memories is paddling in the sea with my parents.• You just want to tuck the board under your arm, run down the beach, paddle out and have fun.• There was a brief debate over which way we should paddle out.• I watched the market traders paddling their canoes across the lake.• Desmond Fairchild, paddling through the spotlights, his trousers rolled up to his hairy knees, shouted something at her.• They named it Michilimackinac, or Great Turtle, because it resembled a turtle as they paddled toward it in canoes.paddle along/upstream/towards etc• Irvine was caught next day as he paddled along the coast.paddling in the sea• Then some of the younger macaques began paddling in the sea and eventually took the plunge and learned how to swim.Origin paddle1 (1400-1500) Perhaps from Medieval Latin padela, from Latin patella; → PATELLA paddle2 1. (1600-1700) → PADDLE12. (1500-1600) Probably from → PAD21pad·dle1 nounpaddle2 verbChineseSyllable  a the Corpus that is flat short wide and pole at




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