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单词 heedless
释义  heed·less /ˈhiːdləs/ adjective  heedless of something literaryATTENTION not paying attention to something 不注意某事物,不理会某事物,对某事物掉以轻心 O'Hara rode on, heedless of danger. 奥哈拉不理会危险,继续骑马前行。 —heedlessly adverbExamples from the Corpusheedless• He was stretched out on his back, his sheet tossed off, completely naked and heedless.• All his life, he enjoyed heedless and extreme practical jokes.• They must tread ever forward, regardless of discomfort, heedless of exhaustion.• I can spend your money without stint, my time heedless of expense.• Paul was full of triumph, and made love exultantly, heedless of her reluctance.• Some one had stayed behind to scavenge, ignoring the risk, heedless of the warnings.• These are obviously metaphors for a crumbling society and the delinquents' heedless rush to doom.• This was a shop that time had forgotten, that carried on regardless, heedless that the world was changing outside.heed·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  not to attention paying Corpus something




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