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单词 heave
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityheave1 /hiːv/ ●○○ verb  1  pull/lift 拉/举 [intransitive, transitive]PULL to pull or lift something very heavy with one great effort 〔用力〕拉;举,抬heave somebody/something out of/into/onto etc something Alan heaved his suitcase onto his bed. 艾伦把他的手提箱拖到床上。 Mary heaved herself out of bed. 玛丽硬撑着起了床。heave on/atBritish English British English5 He heaved on the steering wheel and swung the car into a side street.他用力打方向盘,把车驶入了一条小路。n We had to heave on the rope holding the anchor to get it on board.► see thesaurus at pull2  throw 扔 [transitive]THROW to throw something heavy using a lot of effort 〔用力〕扔,抛〔重物〕 John heaved the metal bar over the fence. 约翰把金属棒扔过了篱笆。► see thesaurus at throw3  heave a sigh BREATHEto breathe in and then breathe out noisily and slowly once 长长地舒[叹]了一口气 Rebecca heaved a sigh of relief. 丽贝卡宽慰地舒了一口气。4  move up and down 起伏 [intransitive]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move up and down with very strong movements (剧烈)起伏 Michael’s shoulders heaved with silent laughter. 迈克尔憋着不笑出声来,双肩直抖。 The sea heaved up and down beneath the boat. 船的下面大海波涛汹涌。5. vomit 呕吐 [intransitive] informalMI to vomit 呕吐6  heave in sight/into view literaryNEAR to appear, especially by getting closer from a distance 逐渐进入视线 A few moments later a large ship hove into view. 过了一会儿,远处出现一艘大船。7.heave to phrasal verb (past tense and past participle hove to /ˌhəʊv ˈtuː $ ˌhoʊv-/) technical TTWif a ship heaves to, it stops moving 〔船只〕停止移动 → heaving→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusheave• Everyone pull together now. Are you ready? Heave!• I think I'm gonna heave.• She looked out of the now sparkling window and heaved a deep sigh.• I heave an armchair into the kitchen, lay out some light reading, and prepare a flask of coffee.• She turned her back again, her shoulders heaving, her eyes blind with tears.• He watched Joe heave his bulk out of the chair.• Joe heaved it over the fence into the alley.• Rod bent down and heaved the sack onto his shoulder.• Finally they heaved the trussed piglet into a waiting truck.• They pulled and heaved under the prodding and loud yelling of the teamster who tried to coordinate them.• Suddenly the ground heaved under their feet.• My chest was heaving with the effort.heave on/at• I grab the front of his loose blouson and I heave at it.• I heave on the baseball bat, and wrench the chain from the big guy's hand.• She heaved at the garage door, which flew up, rattling.• But the Heat did have a final heave at the hoop.heave2 noun  1  [countable]PULL a strong pulling, pushing, or lifting movement 〔猛力的〕拉,推,举 He gave the door a good heave. 他用力推了一下门。2. [uncountable] literaryMOVE/CHANGE POSITION a strong rising or falling movement 〔剧烈的〕起伏Examples from the Corpusheave• With a heave of both arms and chest Rima pushed the cassowary through the window.• With a heave the car surged forward, Firebug rolling back into the seat.• But the Heat did have a final heave at the hoop.• With one giant heave, they loaded the sack onto the trailer.• Other matters referred to in the draft schedule include fitness for purpose, which includes liability for subsidence or heave.• My mind fell back with the heave of the train.• Had the ripple and upward heave of the cabin floor increased?Origin heave1 Old English hebbanheave1 verbheave2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  one something pull or to heavy with great very lift Corpus




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