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单词 head-first
释义  head-first, headfirst /ˌhedˈfɜːst◂ $ -ˈfɜːrst◂/ adverb  1  FORWARDif you fall head-first, your head goes down first, and the rest of your body follows afterwards 头朝下地dive/fall/jump/plunge head-first I fell head-first down the stairs. 我一头栽下楼梯。2  HURRYif you do something head-first, you become involved in it too quickly, without having time to think about it carefully 仓促地,鲁莽地 a remark that sent him tumbling head-first into another controversy 让他鲁莽地陷入另一场争论的言论Examples from the Corpushead-first• First he flung the man head-first into the snow.• But it takes a mighty age to tell its tale and dives head-first into the soap suds along the way.head-first adverbChinese  your head down head-first, and first, you fall goes Corpus if




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