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单词 political action committee
释义  Related topics: Policiespoˌlitical ˈaction comˌmittee noun [countable]  American EnglishPPP (abbreviation PAC) an organization formed by a business, union, or interest group to help raise money for politicians who support their ideas 政治行动委员会〔由某个企业、工会或利益集团成立的组织,旨在为支持自己主张的政客筹集资金〕Examples from the Corpuspolitical action committee• Traffickers have become a political action committee.• Unlike a business corporation or labor union, a charity may not sponsor or support a political action committee.• Caps on individual and political action committee donations to candidates can and are easily circumvented.• His political action committee chipped in to numerous campaigns.• As governor, Weld has shunned political action committee contributions.• There was another $ 2. 1 million in tobacco political action committee contributions that went directly to individual campaigns.From Longman Business Dictionarypolitical action committeepoˌlitical ˈaction comˌmittee abbreviation PAC American English an organization formed by a business or TRADE UNION that raises money to help elect its supporters to CongressArctic Alaska employees’ political action committee gave Mr. Miller’s campaign a total of $3,400. → committeepoˌlitical ˈaction comˌmittee nounChineseSyllable   Business an union, Corpus by business, a formed organization




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