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单词 horse-trading
释义  ˈhorse-ˌtrading noun [uncountable]  1.5 when the people, especially business people or politicians, who are involved in a discussion try hard to gain an advantage for their own side - used to show disapproval 〔尤指商界或政界人士为己方利益的〕讨价还价〔含贬义〕2.nthe activity of discussing issues or making deals in which everyone tries hard to gain advantages for their own side, especially in politics or businessExamples from the Corpushorse-trading• political horse-trading• The results of such horse-trading are not always satisfactory.From Longman Business Dictionaryhorse-tradingˈhorse-ˌtrading noun [uncountable] journalismCOMMERCE when two sides discuss a business deal in a very forceful way, each one trying to get as much as they can without making the other want to stop the dealThere has been some intense horse-trading today.ˈhorse-ˌtrading nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   people, Corpus the business especially Business when




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