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单词 happy
释义 Word family  noun happiness ≠ unhappiness adjective happy ≠ unhappy adverb happily ≠ unhappily  ldoce_721_zhap·py /ˈhæpi/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective (comparative happier, superlative happiest)  1  having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life 高兴的,快乐的 OPP sad It’s a lovely house and we’ve been very happy here. 房子很漂亮,我们住在这里非常开心。 I’ve never felt happier in my life. 我一生从未感到如此快乐。 He was a happy child who rarely cried. 他是一个快乐的孩子,很少哭鼻子。 the happy faces of the children 孩子们快乐的表情 I loved her and thought I could make her happy. 我爱她,我想我能让她幸福快乐。nhappy aboutn She’s very happy about the baby.happy to do something John will be so happy to see you. 约翰看见你会很高兴的。happy (that) I’m happy that everything worked out well in the end. 我很高兴到最后一切都很顺利。be/feel happy for somebody What a wonderful opportunity! I’m so happy for you. 多好的机会呀!我真为你高兴。happy in your work/job etc 工作如意的happy to be doing something We’re very happy to be taking part. 我们非常高兴能够参加。the happy couple (=a couple that have just got married or will soon get married) 快乐的佳偶n GRAMMAR: Patterns with happy• You are happy to do something or happy to be doing something: I’m very happy to be here. ✗Don’t say: I’m very happy for being here.• You are happy that something has happened or is true: I’m very happy that I’m here.• You are happy about something: I’m so happy about your engagement. ✗Don’t say: I’m so happy for your engagement.• You are happy for someone when something good has happened to them: Congratulations – I’m happy for you.2  HAPPY[usually before noun] a happy time, relationship, event etc is a good one that makes you feel happy 〔使人感到〕愉快的;幸福的 This has been the happiest day of my life. 这是我一生中最快乐的一天。 They had a very happy marriage. 他们的婚姻很美满。 I have lots of happy memories of the place. 我对那地方有着许多美好的回忆。 The story has a happy ending, however. 不过故事的结局还是圆满的。 When’s the happy event (=the birth of your child)? 什么时候喜迎贵子啊?3  SATISFIED[not before noun] satisfied or not worried 感到满意[放心]的happy with On the whole, I’m happy with the way I look. 总体来说,我对自己的外貌比较满意。 People living nearby are not happy with the decision. 附近的居民对这一决定感到不满。happy about Mum wasn’t happy about Tess going off travelling on her own. 妈妈对特丝单独外出旅行感到不放心。 I pretended to agree with her, just to keep her happy. 我假装同意她,纯粹是为了让她高兴。happy doing something I’m quite happy doing what I’m doing. 我对现在自己所做的很满意。► see thesaurus at satisfied4  be happy to do something WILLINGto be very willing to do something, especially to help someone 乐意做某事〔尤指帮助别人〕 Our team will be happy to help. 我们的团队很乐意帮忙。 I’d be happy to take you in my car. 我很乐意开车送你去。5  Happy Birthday/New Year/Christmas etc PRAISEused to wish someone happiness on a special occasion 生日/新年/圣诞节等快乐 Happy Birthday, Michael! 生日快乐,迈克尔! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! 大家感恩节快乐!6. many happy returns used to wish someone happiness on their birthday 生日快乐,长命百岁7  [only before noun] fortunate or lucky 幸运的 By a happy coincidence, James was also in town that weekend. 巧得很,詹姆斯那个周末也在城里。 I’m in the happy position of not having to work. 我运气真好,不用工作。8  a happy medium (between something and something) AGREEa way of doing something that is not extreme but is somewhere between two possible choices 〔两件事之间〕皆大欢喜的折中办法 I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy. 我一直想找个满意的折中办法,使家里既不会像被炸过那样乱,也不会像有洁癖似的过分齐整。9  [only before noun] formalSUITABLE suitable 合适的,恰当的 His choice of words was not a very happy one. 他的措辞不十分恰当。10. a/your happy place if you are in or go to your happy place, you imagine you are in a place that makes you feel calm and happy, because it helps you stop thinking about a bad situation 一个/你的等快乐之乡〔指通过美好的想象来摆脱烦恼等的思想境界〕11. not a happy bunny especially British English informal, not a happy camper American English informal not pleased with a situation 对处境不满的 THESAURUShappy 高兴的,快乐的Are you happy in your new job? 你的新工作干得开心吗?The film has a happy ending. 影片结局圆满。a happy childhood 快乐的童年cheerful looking happy 〔看起来〕高兴的,愉快的a cheerful face/expression 愉快的面孔/表情The room looked bright and cheerful (=it made you feel good). 屋子看起来明亮宜人。He seems a lot more cheerful today. 今天他好像高兴多了。be in a good mood to feel happy and relaxed 心情好It was the day before the vacation and everyone was in a good mood. 那天是假期的前一天,大家心情都不错。contented written feeling happy with your life, job, situation etc 〔对生活、工作、处境等〕满意的,满足的He was contented with his job as a cycle mechanic. 他对自己自行车修理工的工作挺满意。She sat down with a contented expression on her face. 她坐了下来,一脸心满意足的表情。pleased/glad [not before noun] happy because something good has happened 〔因有好事发生而〕高兴的,满意的I’m pleased I passed my exam. 我很高兴自己通过了考试。He was glad to see someone that he knew. 看到认识的人他很高兴。very happy 非常高兴delighted [not before noun] very happy because something good has happened 〔因有好事发生而〕非常高兴的The doctors say they are delighted with her progress. 医生们表示对她的进展很满意。thrilled [not before noun] very happy and excited about something 非常兴奋的;极为激动的He’s thrilled at the idea of going to Disneyworld. 想到要去迪士尼世界,他非常兴奋。overjoyed [not before noun] very happy because you have heard some good news 〔听说好消息后〕极为高兴的She was overjoyed when she found out that her son was safe. 得知儿子平安无事,她欣喜若狂。be on top of the world (also be over the moon British English) [not before noun] informal to be very happy 非常高兴I was over the moon when I won the championship. 我得了冠军,乐不可支。ecstatic extremely happy 狂喜的,欣喜若狂的The crowd were ecstatic, and cheered wildly. 观众欣喜若狂,欢声雷动。ecstatic fans 欢腾的球迷blissful a blissful time is one in which you feel extremely happy 〔时光〕极其幸福的We stayed on the islands for two blissful weeks. 我们无忧无虑地在岛上待了两星期。It sounded blissful – sea, sun, and good food. 听起来幸福极了——大海、阳光,还有美食。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率Examples from the Corpushappy• Sarah's main aim in life is simply to be happy.• He gave little appearance of being unusually happy.• You know happiness is being able to assume you are happy.• Everyone thought their marriage was happy.• For the first five years of their marriage they were very happy.• Is she happy about being pregnant?• I wasn't very happy about that so I finished with him.• I'd gotten a lot done over the weekend and was happy about that.• a happy baby• Mike was a happy child and never gave us any trouble at all.• He had a very happy childhood.• Most fairy tales have a happy ending.• Most children's stories have happy endings.• With a politics of opinion, I am happy enough.• Maggie suddenly shuddered, and twisted away, her happy expression replaced by one of painful memories.• The children's happy faces were reward enough.• I'm so happy for you - I know how much you wanted the job.• The Grange has always been a happy house and still has a faint atmosphere of piety, fully intended by Mr Teulon.• She seems a lot happier now that she's got a new job.• In fact, my childhood on Lewis can be described as a happy one.• I could hear the happy sound of the street musicians.• Grandma is so happy that everyone will be there for Christmas.• My years at college were the happiest time of my life.• I was very happy to be back home.• I'm just happy to be home again.• Doctors said they were happy with how the operation had gone.• Pinker stated that he was perfectly happy with the arrangement.the happy couple• I'd like to propose a toast to the happy couple.• The dancing had stopped momentarily, and a space had been cleared round the happy couple.• Friends and relatives are expected to give paper money to the happy couple after traditional ceremonies, writes Gurbir Dhillon.• Everyone waved goodbye as the happy couple drove away.• Now, the happy couple have decided to marry at the Ipswich Register Office on August 14.• A furious row broke out last night over who should film the happy couple outside tiny Crathie church.• Now the happy couple plan a new ceremony to bless their marriage.• As the happy couple took their places there was a stir and a rising babble behind them.the happy event• Its truth-value does not depend on whether there actually occurred the happy event referred to by the second referring expression.keep ... happy• It meant people who kept sheep were happy.• Theirs was a language for the mass of the people, aimed at keeping them happy.• Clinton is a lifelong politician with a gift for speaking with rounded edges designed to keep people happy and options open.• What is the right shopping environment that keeps customers happy and wanting to return?• They try to keep everyone happy, but somehow succeed in annoying us all.• He kept Moscow happy by fulfilling the state quotas in steel, tanks and nuclear missiles.• I should have kept my happy memories.• The object is to keep them happy while looking for new customers, he said.happy position• But the pluralist is in a happier position.• Others may not be in such a happy position.• That is not a happy position.• We were in the happy position of being able to pass the buck.• Bank teller Barclays is in the happy position of exactly the reverse happening.Origin happy (1300-1400) hap “chance, luck” ((13-20 centuries)), from Old Norse happhap·py adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  pleasure, for example of Corpus something good having feelings because




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