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单词 hailstorm
释义  Related topics: Naturehail·storm /ˈheɪlstɔːm $ -ɔːrm/ noun [countable]  DNa storm when a lot of hail falls 雹暴Examples from the Corpushailstorm• Towering convective clouds rained down a hailstorm of ash, and firebrands even spanned the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.• The slight rattle of the windows in the theater builds to a clatter like a hailstorm.• The quay was white and slippery with the granules of a recent hailstorm.• Then came low commodity prices, scab disease, excessive moisture and crop-robbing hailstorms.hail·storm nounChineseSyllable  lot Corpus hail falls storm a when a of




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