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单词 greeting
释义  greet·ing /ˈɡriːtɪŋ/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable]  1  HELLOsomething you say or do when you meet someone 问候,招呼in greeting She raised her hand in greeting. 她举起手来打招呼。 I smiled a polite greeting, but the woman hardly acknowledged me. 我客气地笑着打了个招呼,可是那女人没有答理我。 The two cousins exchanged greetings (=greeted each other). 表兄妹俩互相问候。2. birthday/Christmas etc greetings MESSAGEa message saying that you hope someone will be happy and healthy on their birthday, at Christmas etc 生日/圣诞等的贺词3. greetings! old useHELLO used to say hello to someone 你好!Examples from the Corpusgreeting• Siegfried bustled in, muttered a greeting, and began to pour his coffee.• Michelle shouted out a greeting from across the room.• Word is she and McDermott exchanged pleasantries and greetings and watched the goings-on.• Jim paused next to the fence to exchange greetings with his neighbor on the other side.• I wondered how long I should give them to exchange greetings.• The only acceptable form of greeting in business is a handshake.• Meredith's offered hand of greeting dropped limply to her side in bewilderment.• He could hear his piping London voice with its parrot greetings and unfounded optimism.• He looked up slowly at Yanto's greeting.• Too late and the greeting is grunted as an afterthought as you both pass only feet away from each other.• The greetings are hand-delivered to the home of every employee who calls in sick.exchanged greetings• We gathered around a paddy dike and exchanged greetings and impressions.• The two cross-cousins exchanged greetings and token presents.• They shook hands, exchanged greetings, and so on.• The men exchanged greetings just after ten thirty a.m.• At the door to the marquee they exchanged greetings with scores of other guests, gradually making their way inside.From Longman Business Dictionarygreetinggreet‧ing /ˈgriːtɪŋ/ noun [countable, uncountable] something you say or do when you meet someoneThey briskly exchanged greetings before sitting down to start negotiations.greet·ing nounChineseSyllable   Business you do when or someone meet you something say Corpus




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