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单词 boring
释义 Word family  noun bore boredom adjective bored boring verb bore adverb boringly  bor·ing /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ ●●● S2 adjective  BORINGnot interesting in any way 无趣的,无聊的,乏味的,令人生厌的 Her husband is about the most boring person I’ve ever met. 她丈夫可以说是我见过的最无聊的人。 The job was dull and boring. 这份工作枯燥乏味。dead/incredibly/terribly etc boring (=very boring) 无聊透顶的 THESAURUSboring not interesting in any way 无趣的,无聊的,乏味的a boring speech 乏味的演讲He found school incredibly boring. 他觉得上学无聊透顶。not very interesting [not before noun] very ordinary and therefore rather boring. People often use this phrase in everyday English, instead of saying directly that something is boring 不大有趣的,不太有意思的〔常用以避免直接说某事物乏味〕The story wasn’t very interesting. 这故事不太有趣。dull especially written boring 乏味的,无聊的The conference was usually a dull affair. 这个会通常是很乏味的。Life was never dull. 生活从来都不无聊。tedious /ˈtiːdiəs/ very boring and continuing for a long time 枯燥乏味的,冗长的The process was tedious and slow. 整个过程乏味而且缓慢。Jake began the tedious task of sorting through his papers. 杰克开始做整理文件的枯燥工作。monotonous /məˈnɒtənəs $ məˈnɑː-/ boring and always the same 单调乏味的,一成不变的The work was monotonous and unchallenging. 这工作单调乏味,缺乏挑战性。He was only half listening to the monotonous voice of the teacher. 他只心不在焉地听着老师单调乏味的说话声。mundane /mʌnˈdeɪn/ rather boring, because it is connected with things you do regularly as part of your daily life 平淡无奇的,乏味的He busied himself with the mundane task of cleaning the house. 他忙着做打扫房子的乏味工作。Most arguments are over mundane issues like spending or saving money. 大多数争吵都是围绕花钱或存钱之类的琐事。humdrum /ˈhʌmdrʌm/ [usually before noun] boring because nothing new or interesting ever happens 〔因毫无新意或趣味而〕单调乏味的,刻板的He wanted to escape his humdrum life. 他想要摆脱单调乏味的生活。a humdrum existence 平淡的生活dry a subject, piece of writing etc that is dry is boring because it is very serious and does not contain any humour 〔课题、文字等〕枯燥的,无趣的The students complained that the lecture was dry and uninspiring. 学生们抱怨课上的枯燥乏味,平淡无奇。a dry academic volume 枯燥乏味的学术著作Examples from the Corpusboring• I haven't bothered to explain certain things because, if I had, black people would have found it boring.• It was read with awe by generations of students who wondered how he succeeded in making such an interesting topic so boring.• Most people who see a baseball game for the first time think it's pretty boring.• Pam's parents are nice, but they're very boring.• The movie was boring.• He's so boring - all he ever talks about is football.• However boring and horrible, she could cope with its drear familiarity.• He found sweeping the floor too boring and manoeuvred himself into a role making electrical control panels.• They can also create boring, frustrating mechanical jobs.• The professor was so boring, hardly anyone came to class.• It's so boring here. I wish we lived in L.A.• I don't want some boring job in an office!• Extremely boring job, we just sat there, and did nothing.• a long boring lecture on economic planning• Many people doing boring or repetitive jobs deliberately introduce a certain amount of stress to make the routine more exciting.• He really is one of the most boring people I've ever met.• The street might be boring, the neighbourhood wasn't.• This is such a boring town - there's nothing to do in the evenings.• What a boring way to spend an evening!dead/incredibly/terribly etc boring• I was in the factory making boxes and it was dead boring.• The dead calm actor is, on the whole, dead boring.• It was incredibly boring and slow.• It just seemed that the Ferrari superiority was such that racing must be terribly boring for all the rest of the drivers.• I followed the van for an hour and dead boring it was too.bor·ing adjective →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable  any Corpus not way interesting in




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