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单词 grandpa
释义  Related topics: Familygrand·pa /ˈɡrænpɑː/ ●●● S2 noun [countable]  informalSSFFAMILY grandfather 爷爷;外公Examples from the Corpusgrandpa• We didn't like grandma and grandpa, and we didn't like their gravity either.• We went down twice, to see grandma and grandpa.• Watch what you're doing, grandpa.• He and his grandpa took their medicine together, at the same time.• And yet he seems to have gotten away with it; he is as old as my grandpa.• The veteran classes are our equivalent of the glamourous granny or grandpa competitions!• You and your grandpa been paid, and Luther; too.• I hear you went to see your grandpa every week.grand·pa nounChineseSyllable   Corpus grandfather




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