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单词 aright
释义  a·right /əˈraɪt/ adverb British English old use  1  CORRECTcorrectly 正确地 I was not certain I had heard aright. 我不能肯定没有听错。2. set things aright old use SOLVE/DEAL WITH A PROBLEMto deal with problems or difficulties 解决问题[困难]Examples from the Corpusaright• Each one shows us the right way to go and we must learn to use it aright.• Isabel stared fixedly ahead of her, wondering if she had heard aright.• Please continue to pray for us that we are protected and guided aright.• It was a moody holiday and I followed the roads; some of them led me aright and some astray.• If Greg had understood the lady in the garden aright, Gerald Seymour-Strachey was in for a new experience.• When the sun fell aright you could see the soft outline of ancient walls beneath the turf.a·right adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus correctly




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