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单词 Aries
释义  Related topics: AstrologyAr·ies /ˈeəriːz, ˈeəri-iːz $ ˈeriːz/ noun  1. [uncountable]ROA the first sign of the zodiac, represented by a ram (=male sheep), which some people believe affects the character and life of people born between March 21 and April 20 白羊宫,白羊座2. [countable]ROA someone who was born between March 21 and April 20 属白羊座的人〔即3月21日至4月20日之间出生的人〕Examples from the CorpusAries• Laura's an Aries.• She was a stubborn, loyal Aries, the best kind of friend to have.Origin Aries (1300-1400) Latin “male sheep”Ar·ies nounChineseSyllable  first the the sign zodiac, of Corpus




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