随便看 |
- be convulsed with laughter/anger etc
- be cooking
- be cooking (with gas)
- be cooking with gas
- be couched in
- be couched in something
- be couched in sth
- be counter to
- be counter to something
- be counter to sth
- be counting down the days
- be counting down the hours
- be counting down the minutes
- be counting (down) the minutes/hours/days
- be counting the days
- be counting the hours
- be counting the minutes
- be courting
- becquerel
- be crawling the walls
- be crawling up the walls
- be crawling with
- be crawling with something
- be crawling with sth
- be credited to
- Whitman
- Crop insurance
- Anselm
- Optimal combination
- Good algorithm
- Polyfunctional
- Hedge against inflation
- Test-bed
- Continuous record
- Uniform field
- 多姿多彩的意思,多姿多彩造句
- 多姿多彩词义,多姿多彩组词,多姿多彩造句
- 多学而识,原是中人以下一种学问。故夫子自言“多闻择其善而从之,多见而识之”,教子张“所闻阙疑”,“多见阙殆”,教人“博学于文”,教颜子“博之以文”。但不到一贯地位,终不成究竟,故顿渐两门各缘资性。今人以一贯为入门,上等天资自是了悟,非所望于中人,其误后学不细。
- 多密友则无密友矣
- 多少人前的傲慢,不过是自卑的补偿
- 多少泊船多少诗
- 多少绿荷相倚恨,一时回首背西风
- 多少英雄豪杰,可与为善,而卒无成,只为拔此身于习俗中不出。若不恤群谤,断以必行,以古人为契友,以天地为知己,任他千诬万毁何妨。
- 多少错误,不过是成功埋下的伏笔
- 多少长安名利客,机关用尽不如君