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单词 good humour
释义  ˌgood ˈhumour British English, good humor American English noun [uncountable]  a happy friendly character or attitude to life 愉快的心情,好脾气;乐观的人生态度 At 80 her eyes still sparkled with good humour. 她80岁了,眼神里依然闪烁着乐观的光芒。 —good-humoured adjective He was patient and good-humoured. 他有耐心,脾气好。 —good-humouredly adverbExamples from the Corpusgood humour• She remains an inspiring example to be remembered and talked of with fondness and good humour.• The foreman in a fine good humour.• They were in high good humour.• It was an extraordinary occasion, lively, moving, startling in its diversity and with much good humour.• His usual good humour had vanished and his hand dropped to the dagger pushed in his belt.• Falconer was quiet and secretive but seemed in very good humour, laughing and talking rather garrulously.• This was either ignored or taken with good humour.• To all who attended this day we thank you for your good humour and co-operation under difficult circumstances.ˌgood ˈhumour nounChineseSyllable  character Corpus happy or attitude a friendly to life




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