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单词 Goldberg, Rube
释义 Goldberg, Rube Rube GoldbergGold·berg, Rube /ˈɡəʊldbɜːɡ $ -dbɜːrɡ, ruːb/  (1883–1970) a US cartoonist (=an artist who draws funny pictures that tell a joke or say something humorous about the news) whose cartoons appeared in many newspapers. He is known especially for his drawings of strange and extremely complicated machines that are designed to do very simple jobs. → Heath RobinsonRube Gold·berg /ˌruːb ˈɡəʊldbɜːɡ $ -bɜːrɡ/ adjective American English  a Rube Goldberg machine etc is very complicated and impractical, in an amusing way; Heath Robinson British EnglishGold·berg, RubeRube Gold·berg adjectiveSyllable  




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