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单词 goings-on
释义  ˌgoings-ˈon noun [plural]  HAPPENactivities or events that are strange or interesting, and often illegal 〔内容怪异或有趣、常常违反法律的〕活动,勾当 She was shocked by some of the goings-on at the school. 学校里的一些现象让她感到震惊。Examples from the Corpusgoings-on• There were all these strange chants and goings-on.• The book is set in a fictitious village called Paradise, and is full of sexy rural romping and illicit goings-on.• Moreover, Eleanor's references to Freddie's goings-on, however much Liza suspected there might have been plenty, upset her.• The spooky goings-on happened when night watchman James Durham spotted a man with a heavy overcoat walking his black retriever.• According to Gwen, there had been some very strange goings-on in the upstairs apartment.• But what could a kid know about such goings-on as were chronicled in the pages she had read?• I could hardly believe it when he told me about the goings-on in his office.• Kennedy was shocked at some of the goings-on at the school.• Word is she and McDermott exchanged pleasantries and greetings and watched the goings-on.• None of these goings-on has done anything to calm the Polynesians.ˌgoings-ˈon nounChineseSyllable  strange and interesting, events or activities Corpus are that or




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