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单词 gnarled
释义  Related topics: Nature, Illness & disabilitygnarled /nɑːld $ nɑːrld/ adjective  1. DNBENDa gnarled tree or branch is rough and twisted with hard lumps 〔树或树枝〕粗糙多节的,长满树瘤的2. MIBODYgnarled hands or fingers are twisted, rough, and difficult to move, usually because they are old 〔手或手指〕粗糙的,长满老茧的,关节扭曲的Examples from the Corpusgnarled• His hand was gnarled and bony.• Omi's old head was bowed and her gnarled fingers were pressed together in prayer.• Mrs Taxos mumbled crossly again and opened one gnarled hand on the donkey's back.• At least not if their gnarled hands, betokening lifetimes of hard toil, are a guide.• His gnarled hands throttled the bulwarks.• The house was called Lilac Villa, a name no one used, though the front garden contained several ancient gnarled lilac bushes.• He'd start with the gnarled old oak tree in the graveyard.• And old people, like gnarled old trees, attracted him.Origin gnarled (1600-1700) knurled “having raised lines on the surface” ((17-21 centuries)), from knurl “small part sticking out” ((17-21 centuries))gnarled adjectiveChinese   Corpus a rough twisted tree gnarled is and with or branch




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