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单词 gluttony
释义  glut·ton·y /ˈɡlʌtəni/ noun [uncountable]  formalRRCGREEDY the bad habit of eating and drinking too much 暴饮暴食,大吃大喝 SYN greedExamples from the Corpusgluttony• She has committed several sins, greed and gluttony being high on the list.• In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.• His parents evidently did not suffer from drunkenness, gluttony, or excesses of marital discord.• Profligacy, sloth, licentiousness, gluttony, pride.• This one had to die to satisfy my gluttony.• Yet they were not there for celebration, and there was neither gluttony nor drunkenness.• The level of heart disease in the western world is a measure of our gluttony.• The truth is that gluttony has produced as many world champions and outstanding contenders.• As soon as Christmas is over, people often start to regret their gluttony.• The government trading desk was a counterpoint to the visible gluttony and ethnicity of the mortgage department.glut·ton·y nounChineseSyllable  of and bad the drinking eating Corpus habit




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