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单词 ghettoize
释义  Related topics: Race relationsghet·to·ize verb (also ghettoise British English) /ˈɡetəʊaɪz $ -toʊ-/ [transitive]  1. PGSSRto force people to live in a ghetto 强迫…居住在聚居区[贫民区]2. SSRTOWNto make part of a town become a ghetto 使成为聚居区[贫民区]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusghettoize• In the north part of the city, the neighborhoods were becoming ghettoized.• Ellen accused Bernard of being anti-feminist, and attempting to ghettoize ethnic minorities; he accused her of racism and white elitism.• Blacks coming from the South were ghettoized in high-rise housing projects.ghet·to·ize verbChineseSyllable  people to Corpus force a live to in ghetto




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