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单词 approved
释义 Word family  noun approval ≠ disapproval adjective approving ≠ disapproving approved verb approve ≠ disapprove adverb approvingly ≠ disapprovingly  ap·proved /əˈpruːvd/ adjective [only before noun]  officially recognized as being of a particular level or standard 〔正式〕认可的,核准的 Funding is available for approved courses. 已经核准的课程可获得专款。Examples from the Corpusapproved• The concession will not therefore normally apply to rights already granted under an approved employee share scheme.• Finally he was sent to an approved school and then he disappeared from the district.• Again, applications may be made by the nearest relative or an approved social worker and two medical recommendations are required.• The 1983 Mental Health Act stipulated that only approved social workers should be allowed to deal with mental health cases.ap·proved adjectiveChineseSyllable  of level a recognized Corpus particular officially being as




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