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单词 appropriation
释义  Related topics: Financeap·pro·pri·a·tion /əˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃən $ əˌproʊ-/ noun [countable, uncountable] formal  1  BFPGthe process of saving money for a special purpose, or the money that is saved, especially by a business or government 拨款appropriation of the appropriation of $2 million for the new hospital 用于新医院的200万美元拨款2  STEALthe act of taking control of something without asking permission 擅用;私占 → misappropriationappropriation of the appropriation of company property 侵吞公司财产Examples from the Corpusappropriation• The undefined portion covered what occurred in Lawrence, above, an appropriation with the consent of the owner.• It was held that there was an appropriation.• The politics of the issue have become deeply entwined in the process of wrapping up annual appropriations bills.• Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.• Congress left itself the option of forbidding line-item vetoes of major program appropriations, such as funding more Stealth bombers.• The exhibition focuses on Picasso's appropriation of photographs as the bases for his work.• The difference is made up through appropriations from the state's general fund.appropriation of• Congress discussed the appropriation of $2 million for improving school buildings.From Longman Business Dictionaryappropriationap‧pro‧pri‧a‧tion /əˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃənəˌproʊ-/ noun [countable, uncountable]1the official use of money for a particular purpose, or an amount of money that is usedThey each receive a state appropriation of $50,000 to cover education costs.2the act of taking control of something, especially by a government, perhaps against the wishes of the ownersappropriation of oil companies’ assetsap·pro·pri·a·tion nounChineseSyllable   Business process for special Corpus or saving of the purpose, money a




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