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单词 appreciative
释义 Word family  noun appreciation adjective appreciable appreciative ≠ unappreciative verb appreciate adverb appreciably appreciatively  ap·pre·cia·tive /əˈpriːʃətɪv/ adjective  1  THANKfeeling or showing that you enjoy something or are pleased about it 欣赏的;表示赞赏的appreciative audience/crowd 表示赞赏的观众/人群appreciative laughter/applause 赞赏的笑声/掌声2  [not before noun] grateful for something 感激的appreciative of She was appreciative of Greg’s concern for her health. 格雷格关心她的健康,她很感激。 —appreciatively adverbExamples from the Corpusappreciative• But Mr Berzins seems so gentle and appreciative.• Later he was sorry, and much later he was appreciative.• The fans bathed Hrudey in appreciative applause.• an appreciative audience• When the report was finished, Blanche made an appreciative comment.• When he was not bowling, his cat-like fielding at midwicket kept an appreciative crowd happy.• He wrote a warm, appreciative letter, thanking her for everything she had done.• Our new boss is a real joy to work for. She's so appreciative of anything you do for her.• I was reflecting my engineering background and was insufficiently appreciative of the human dimension.• The crowd was particularly appreciative of understudy Ray Walker, who filled in so ably for the ailing star, Colm Wilkinson.• They weren't particularly appreciative the last time I helped them. I don't think I'll bother again.appreciative laughter/applause• Both were received with appreciative applause.• The fans bathed Hrudey in appreciative applause.appreciative of• I'm very pleased and appreciative of the support and kindness you have given me.ap·pre·cia·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  enjoy something or you that Corpus showing or feeling




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