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单词 generally
释义 Word family  noun generalization general generalist generality adjective general generalist generalized verb generalize adverb generally  gen·er·al·ly /ˈdʒenərəli/ ●●● S2 W1 adverb  1  IN GENERALconsidering or relating to the whole of a thing or group, rather than to details or specific cases or parts 总体上来说,大致 SYN broadly It was generally a positive conversation. 总的来说,这是一次积极的谈话。 She’s not really ill, just generally run-down. 她并不是真的生病,只是感到全身疲惫。[sentence adverb 句子副词] Generally, part-timers work in low-status, low-wage occupations. 总体上看,兼职人员从事的是低级、低薪的工作。 The second survey was concerned with working-class culture more generally. 第二次调查涉及更广泛的工薪阶层的文化。2  IN GENERALby or to most people 普遍地,广泛地 SYN widelygenerally regarded/accepted/known etc The plants are generally regarded as weeds. 这些植物一般都被当作杂草。 a generally accepted view 一个被普遍接受的观点 It could be five years before the drug is generally available. 这种药可能还要过五年才能广泛投入市场。3  USUALLYusually or most of the time 通常;大多数时候 SYN usually I generally get in to work by 8.00. 我通常8点钟之前就来上班。4  generally speaking IN GENERALused to introduce a statement that is true in most cases but not always 一般来说 Generally speaking, the more expensive the stereo, the better it is. 一般说来,立体声音响越贵的越好。Examples from the Corpusgenerally• It is now generally accepted that the so-called "Hitler Diaries' were forgeries.• The twenty-five articles of the decree were far-reaching and generally beneficial.• Okay, so it generally gives us the setting for the story.• The quality of the food here is generally good.• His first year as President was generally regarded as a success.• Morrison is generally regarded as New York's best defensive player.• Looking at the administrative and financial arrangements more generally, the diminution of political concern is remarkable.• Generally, the team has been more successful at home.• The tax incentive is applied generally to all adoptions, foreign and domestic.• A tax or taxes on energy generally were possible approaches.generally regarded/accepted/known etc• One well-known and generally accepted approach to the problem is the residual theory of dividend policy.• There, passenger traffic was light, and was generally regarded as a nuisance.• Power is legitimate authority in that it is generally accepted as just and proper by members of society as a whole.• For this reason, it is generally regarded as the drug of choice for acute gouty arthritis.• It was coming to be generally accepted by 1880 that the state was the proper political expression of the nation.• The media continue to publish favorable reports on prediction claims that are not generally accepted by the scientific community.• The alternative interpretation, now generally accepted, is that it is more efficient if there is only one firm.• Medicine has generally regarded the placebo effect as a nuisance: it does make research on new medical drugs very difficult.gen·er·al·ly adverbChineseSyllable  whole Corpus group, relating or or a thing considering the of to




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