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单词 Gaelic
释义  Related topics: LanguagesGae·lic /ˈɡeɪlɪk, ˈɡælɪk/ noun [uncountable]  SLLone of the Celtic languages, especially spoken in parts of Scotland and in Ireland 盖尔语〔一种凯尔特语,尤用于苏格兰部分地区和爱尔兰〕 —Gaelic adjective Gaelic poetry 盖尔语诗歌Examples from the CorpusGaelic• Patsi, by the way, is fluent in Gaelic.• The car queue is not long and I am excited by the welcoming signs in Gaelic.• One thing I had not bargained for was the amount of Gaelic spoken in the country districts.• In a 1987 survey, though, 17% of those under 25 claimed some knowledge of Gaelic.• It should be remembered, however, that Gaelic was proscribed by the authorities for many years.Origin Gaelic (1700-1800) Gael “Gaelic person” ((18-21 centuries)), from Scottish Gaelic GaidhealGae·lic nounChineseSyllable   Corpus Celtic the languages, spoken parts one especially in of




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