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单词 full
释义  Related topics: Clothesfull1 /fʊl/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  no space 没有空间FULL containing as much or as many things or people as possible, so there is no space left 满的;满是…的 → empty The train was completely full. 火车坐得满满的。 Don’t talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满东西时不要说话。 The class is full, but you can register for next term. 这个班已经满了,不过你可以注册下学期的。full of The kitchen was full of smoke. 厨房里全是烟。be crammed/stuffed/packed etc full of something Ted’s workshop was crammed full of old engines. 特德的车间里堆满了旧发动机。half-full/three-quarters full etc McQuaid filled his glass until it was three-quarters full. 麦奎德将杯子倒到四分之三满。 The bath was full to the brim (=completely full) with hot water. 浴缸里满满一缸热水。full (up) to bursting British English informal (=completely full) 满满的 The filing cabinet was full to bursting. 文件柜塞得满满的。 RegisterIn everyday English, people often say that a place is packed when it is full of people: 在日常英语中,表示某处满是人时,人们常说a place is packedThe trains are always packed in the rush hour. 上下班高峰时,火车上总是挤满了人。 →5  See picture of The box is full.箱子满了。, an overflowing bin 装得满出来的垃圾桶, a bulging wallet 鼓鼓囊囊的钱包2  including everything 包括一切的 [only before noun]COMPLETE complete and including all parts or details 完全的,完整的;详尽的 Please write your full name and address on the form. 请在表格上填写全名和地址。 The Health Centre offers a full range of services. 医疗中心提供全套服务。 Lotus will not reveal full details until the Motor Show. 路特斯公司要等到车展才会披露全部细节。 The BBC promised a full investigation. 英国广播公司承诺展开全面调查。 I don’t think he’s telling us the full story (=everything he knows about the matter). 我认为他没有告诉我们全部实情。3  highest amount/level 最大的量/最高的水平 [only before noun] the greatest amount or highest level of something that is possible 最大量的;最高级的 SYN maximum rising prosperity and full employment 日益繁荣以及充分就业 The charity helps disabled children reach their full potential. 该慈善机构帮助残障儿童充分发挥自身潜力。 Few customers take full advantage of off-peak fares. 很少有顾客充分利用淡季票价。 Parker was driving at full speed when he hit the wall. 帕克全速行驶时撞到了墙上。in full leaf/bloom The roses were now in full bloom. 玫瑰现已盛开。4  HAVING A LOT OF STH 有许多某物be full of something a) FULLto contain many things of the same kind 有许多同类之物 a garden full of flowers 百花齐放的花园 His essay was full of mistakes. 他的文章错误百出。 The music papers were full of gossip about the band. 各家音乐报上全是有关该乐队的传言。 Life’s full of surprises, isn’t it? 生活中总是有各种意想不到的事,对吧? b) EMOTIONALto feel, express, or show a lot of a particular emotion or quality 〔感觉、表达或表现出〕充满某种情感[特质]的full of excitement/energy/hope etc Lucy was a happy child, always full of life. 露西是个快乐的孩子,总是生气勃勃的。 He was full of praise for the work of the unit. 他对该部门的工作赞不绝口。 c) to talk or think a lot about a particular thing 老是说着某物;一心想着某物 She was full of plans for the wedding. 她满脑子都是婚礼的计划。5  food 食物 (also full up British English) [not before noun]FULL having eaten so much food that you cannot eat any more 吃饱了的 No more, thanks. I’m full. 不要了,谢谢。我吃饱了。6  emphasis 强调 [only before noun] used to emphasize an amount, quantity, or rate 足足的,整整的three/six etc full days/years/pages etc We devote five full days a month to training. 我们一个月有整整五天时间用于培训。 His pants rose a full three inches off his shoes. 他的裤脚离鞋面足足有三英寸。7  busy 忙碌的 busy and involving lots of different activities 忙的,有很多活动的 Before her illness, Rose enjoyed a full life. 生病之前,罗丝享受着丰富多彩的生活。 Go to bed. You’ve a full day tomorrow. 睡觉去吧,你明天的事排得满满的呢。8  rank 级别 having or giving all the rights, duties etc that belong to a particular rank or position 正式的;正职的full professor/member/colonel etc Only full members have the right to vote. 只有正式会员才有投票权。 a full driving licence 正式驾照9  be full of yourself to have a high opinion of yourself – used to show disapproval 自以为是〔含贬义〕 My first impression was that he was a bit full of himself. 我的第一印象是他有点自以为是。10  be full of crap/shit/it not politeWRONG/INCORRECT a rude expression used to say that someone often says things that are wrong or stupid 常胡说八道Don’t listen to Jerry. He’s full of it. 别听杰里的,他净胡说八道。11  clothes 衣服DCC made using a lot of material and fitting loosely 宽松的,肥大的 a dress with a full skirt 裙摆宽大的连衣裙12  body 身体 large and rounded in an attractive way 丰满的full figure/face/breasts etc clothes for the fuller figure 适合较丰满体型的衣服13  taste 味道 having a strong satisfying taste 浓郁的 Now you can enjoy Nescafé's fuller flavour in a decaffeinated form. 现在可以享受雀巢更香浓的去咖啡因咖啡。 → full-bodied14  sound 声音LOUD/NOISY pleasantly loud and deep 圆浑的,圆润的 the rich full sound of the cello 大提琴圆浑的音色15  full price not a reduced price 全价 If you’re over 14, you have to pay full price. 如果你超过14岁,就得买全票。16  in full view of somebody SEEso that all the people in a place can see, especially when this is embarrassing or shocking 在某人眼皮底下〔尤指令人尴尬或震惊〕 The argument happened on stage in full view of the audience. 这场争论就发生在台上,观众看得一清二楚。17  be in full swing if an event or process is in full swing, it has reached its highest level of activity 处于全盛阶段;在热烈进行中 By 8.30, the party was in full swing. 到8点半时,派对进入高潮。18  full speed/steam ahead doing something with as much energy and effort as possible 全力以赴 With last season’s misery behind them, it’s full steam ahead for the Bears. 上一赛季惨败后,熊队现在全力以赴。19. be full of beans to be excited and have lots of energy 精力充沛20  (at) full blast informal as strongly, loudly, or quickly as possible 最大马力地;最大音量地;尽快地 The heater was on full blast but I was still cold. 暖气开到最大了,可我还是觉得冷。 a car stereo playing Wagner at full blast 以最大音量播放瓦格纳作品的一台汽车音响21  (at) full tilt/pelt moving as fast as possible 全速;尽快 She ran full tilt into his arms. 她飞奔着扑进他怀里。22  be in full cry if a group of people are in full cry, they are criticizing someone very strongly 猛烈抨击 Anyone who’s seen the world’s press in full cry can understand how Diana felt. 见识过全球媒体猛烈抨击的人都能理解戴安娜的心情。23  to the full  (also to the fullest American English)COMPLETE in the best or most complete way 充分地;十足地;全面地 Ed believes in living life to the full. 埃德相信生活要尽可能充实。24  come/go/turn full circle to be in the same situation in which you began, even though there have been changes during the time in between 〔情形〕兜了一圈回到原处 Fashion has come full circle and denim is back. 时尚兜了一圈又回归原点,牛仔布再次流行。 → fully, → have your hands full at hand1(29), → draw yourself up to your full height at draw up THESAURUSfull containing as much or as many things or people as possible, so there is no space left 满的The train was nearly full. 这列火车几乎满员。The cupboard was full of clothes. 衣柜里放满了衣服。nHe spilled a full cup of coffee on the carpet.filled with something full of something – use this about a container when a lot of things have been put into it 〔容器〕装满某物The envelopes were filled with cash. 一个个信封里装满了现金。stuffed full of something completely full of something – use this about a container when lots of things have been put into it, often in an untidy way 〔常指乱七八糟地〕塞满某物The case was stuffed full of clothes. 手提箱里塞满了衣服。packed completely full of people – use this about a room, train etc 〔房间、火车等〕拥挤的a packed restaurant 拥挤的餐厅The courtroom will be packed with journalists. 法庭上将挤满记者。bursting (with something) extremely full of something 塞满(某物)几乎要爆裂的Her wardrobe was bursting with coats and shoes. 她的衣橱里外套和鞋子都快装不下了。a small garden bursting with fruit and flowers 结满果实、开满鲜花的小花园crammed so full that you cannot fit anyone or anything else in – often used when you think there are too many people or things 塞满的;挤满的〔常用于表示人或物过多〕In summer, the hotels are crammed with tourists. 夏季,酒店里挤满了游客。nThe resort’s crammed beaches are uncomfortable in summer.teeming (with something) /ˈtiːmɪŋ/ full of people, animals etc that are all moving around 满是〔移动的人、动物等〕The rivers are teeming with fish. 河里满是鱼。overflowing used about a container that is so full that the liquid or things inside it come out over the top 满溢的an overflowing bathtub 溢水的浴缸The drawers were overflowing with magazines. 抽屉里装满了杂志。overloaded used about a vehicle or a ship which has too many people or things in it 〔车、船〕超载的an overloaded fishing boat 超载的渔船nThe trucks are often grossly overloaded (=far too overloaded).Examples from the Corpusfull• All the parking spaces were full.• Sidney got married in full army uniform.• a full bottle of milk• a full box of cereal• A black necklace hung down over her full breasts.• Salcido gave a full confession to the police.• Connors made a full confession to the police.• Baseball attendance is much less likely to be a full day event.• He sat on the witness stand for four full days.• Full details of the travel arrangements will be published as soon as possible.• After decades of nearly full employment, about 3000 local residents lost their jobs when the factory closed.• The lecture hall was full for MacGowan's talk.• To pave the way, Roosevelt promoted Stilwell to full general.• Please write your full name and address at the top of the form.• The buses were full of people going to work.• Helsinki was full of pious declarations about the inviolability of borders and non-interference in internal affairs.• The room is full of smoke: nicotine has become the ambient atmosphere.• Your tank has certainly reached its limits now, and some of the fish have yet to reach their full potential.• Joanna's full red lips were fixed in an inviting smile.• David wants a full report of the accident first thing in the morning.• She wanted a full report on the boy.• Cheddar cheese ages well to produce a full, rich aroma.• full sleeves• The atlas contains full statistical descriptions of each country.• But despite that, Gloucestershire County Council still can't find another school that will accept him as a full time student.• I've had a full week. I'm looking forward to staying home tonight.• The restaurant was already full when we got crammed/stuffed/packed etc full of something• It was crammed full of good ideas which you couldn't sensibly argue with, but they had been turned upside down.• But the effect seemed diluted as he then toured the docks' cold store which was stuffed full of apples.• This beautiful little fishing town is packed full of narrow winding cobbled streets and colourful terraced houses.• One section is stuffed full of reviewer's copies of the latest best-sellers.• This final line-up was packed full of skilled musicians, each of whom had his own musical statement to make.• These are stuffed full of technical slang about the plane your flying and the sort of weapons it uses.• Windows is stuffed full of things you have to configure or change before you can set up a printer, for example.• The crevice, upon further examination, was found to be stuffed full of yellowing incisors and weathered molars.full name• It occurred to Oswald that everyone called the prisoner by his full name.• The reason for the full name and address?• For companies you need their full name, country of registration and registration number.• My full name is Fenton Robert Marshall.• Madonna, whose full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone, has resisted testifying in this case for some time.• You know what my full name is?• At the very least, the full name of the first individual should fit on the first line.full employment• The party was looking at full employment and a committee reported on the question in January 1944.• After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state, maintained full employment, and conciliated the trade unions.• It is this extra spending which, given full employment and consequent constant number of transactions, pushes up the price level.• The contribution of this to full employment is obvious, particularly at times when demand in the economy is generally low.• Given sufficient time with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages would eventually be adjusted and full employment may be restored.• The role of Churchill in the development of full employment policy is greater than has generally been supposed.• That sounds like motherhood and apple pie until we examine what full employment really means.• The concept of altering demand to remain at full employment was one he did not find it difficult to grasp.three/six etc full days/years/pages etc• About half the schools surveyed in 1968 succeeded in maintaining this policy for three full years.• On the other hand, he was three full years out of the training program and no longer constrained by the band.• Last year it took them three full days to clear the stable and make a heap of the black peat-like mal outside.a full life• Perhaps if my parents had not died so early, I might have been able to live a full life.• The spiritual riches of a full life are kept from the sufferer while the therapist colludes with the addictive disease itself.• Surely, a full life even for some one who lived to the advance age of 92.• Such openings can lead to a fuller life if the athlete surrenders to what is happening.• I would so like to see Alida lead a fuller life, less anxious and restrained.• And because they've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life, they're aware and starving.• He had a full life with his wife and three children.full professor/member/colonel etc• A player must serve a minimum of 12 consecutive months before becoming a full member.• Harris rose to the position of full professor at York in 1971.• Even if she manages to get through her first probationary year, life is not an easy ride for full members either.• The Berlin members were not full members in that they did not have voting powers.• The central committee was enlarged from 124 to 146 full members; no alternate members were elected.• Data on social background of central committee full members was collected on WordPerfect and Paradox databases.• A squad of full colonels was halted near Billy.full figure/face/breasts etc• She had dancing eyes and a full figure.• Police picture, Lenin, full face and profile.• The cost for this beauty fix-a full face of laser resurfacing-runs $ 4,500.• Before he developed his wrap around technique a full figure took 18 months to make.• Nadine turned full face towards Becky. ` Well, Becky.• So this time round, the bank's denials have not been taken at full face value.• Machungo said that he was confident that growth had continued in 1989, although full figures were not yet available.• A cell that will respond to somebody in full face will fail to respond to the same person in profile.fuller flavour• Nowadays, Lancashire cheese is kept for three months, so it has a slightly fuller flavour.• The Flavia is a small tomato, which is left on the vine longer to develop a fuller flavour.full2 noun  in full including the whole of something 全部地 The debt must be paid in full. 欠款必须全部偿清。 His statement on the handling of prisoners is worth quoting in full. 他关于如何处置囚犯的那番话应该完整地引用。full3 adverb  EXACTdirectly 直接地full on/in She looked him full in the face as she spoke. 她说话时直视他的脸。Examples from the Corpusfull• Schatz pledged that the parents would be fully informed of the inquiry's findings.• The airline says the complaints will be fully investigated.• They know full well that Joe Biden and other newly empowered Democrats share their doubts on missile defence.• Oh, I glory in inconsistencies, as you know full well.full on/in• The engine cut out but the headlights remained full on.• Cabernet Sauvignon has a darker color, is usually fuller in body and generally ages longer than Pinot Noir.• The bright April sun was full in her eyes and she shaded them with one hand.• Peter had his hands full in Majorca, too.• The glass is always half full in our land of optimists.• The other jeeps pulled up and drove alongside Lampard, all their headlights full on, searching for aircraft.• It was clinical white with a spotless red carpet, and full on Sundays.• The door struck me full in the face.• He kissed me full on the mouth, one hand at my back, the other straying to my behind.Origin full1 Old Englishfull1 adjective →10-24 →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1full2 nounfull3 adverbLDOCE OnlineChinese  many as Corpus things much as or containing




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