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单词 fry
释义  Related topics: Cookingfry1 /fraɪ/ ●●● S2 W3 verb (fried, frying, fries)  1  [intransitive, transitive]DFC to cook something in hot fat or oil, or to be cooked in hot fat or oil 油煎,油炸,油炒 Fry the potatoes, covered, for about 20 minutes. 盖上盖,将马铃薯煎20分钟左右。 I could smell onions frying. 我闻到了煎洋葱的味道。 → deep fry, stir-fry1► see thesaurus at cook →4  See picture of 见图 EGG2. [intransitive, transitive] American English informalDIE to kill someone in an electric chair, or to be killed in an electric chair, as a punishment (被)以电刑处死,(使)坐电椅n GrammarFry belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object. • You can say: I’m frying some fish. In this sentence, ‘some fish’ is the object of fry.• You can say: Some fish is frying. In this sentence, ‘some fish’ is the subject of fry.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfry• Mushrooms are best when fried in olive oil.• Whether you want to bake or boil, steam or fry, Prestige has a quality product that you can rely on.• Quickly fry rabbit pieces until golden brown on all sides, 6 to 8 minutes.• Heat the oil and fry the chicken for 10-15 minutes.• They roasted and stewed and fried the meats and served them with traditional staples made from corn or flour.• Fry the onions gently for five minutes.• The semiconductor devices are all fairly sensitive to excess heat, so don't fry them during soldering!fry2 ●●● S2 (also french fry) noun (plural fries) [countable usually plural] especially American English  DFDa long thin piece of potato that has been cooked in fat 炸马铃薯条,炸薯条 SYN British English chipExamples from the Corpusfry• My Guppies keep getting pregnant but I have never seen any fry.• I'll have a cheeseburger and a large fry.• She likes curry and chips, but Ralph's stir fry is probably better.• A couple of weeks later I noticed 15-20 free-swimming fry.• The fry drift with the current to the relative safety of plant growths.• The fry made the water seethe.fry3 noun [plural]  very young fish 鱼苗 → small fryExamples from the Corpusfry• My Guppies keep getting pregnant but I have never seen any fry.• If you do, you simply make the burn fry.• Now came the scrape of metal as Mrs Arkaday shook the sputtering fry pan back and forth over the burner.• She likes curry and chips, but Ralph's stir fry is probably better.• A couple of weeks later I noticed 15-20 free-swimming fry.• It is now possible for the consumer to purchase omelet mixtures ready for the fry pan.• The fry made the water seethe.Origin fry1 (1200-1300) Old French frire, from Latin frigerefry1 verb →n GRAMMAR1fry2 nounfry3 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  oil, Corpus in fat something to or or cook hot




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