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单词 frontispiece
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingfron·tis·piece /ˈfrʌntəspiːs/ noun [countable]  TCNa picture or photograph at the beginning of a book, usually opposite the page with the title on it 〔书中与书名页相对一页上的〕卷首插图,扉画Examples from the Corpusfrontispiece• A rather crudely drawn frontispiece depicts several scientific instruments and some objects from the society's museum collections.• He had shown her how the frontispiece illustration was the key to it.• The frontispiece can sometimes provide another piece of valuable evidence in determining the edition or issue of a book.• The frontispiece of Sprat's History shows a spacious study lined with books and scientific instruments.Origin frontispiece (1500-1600) French frontispice “front of a building”, from Late Latin frontispicium “view of the front”, from Latin frons “front” + specere “to look at”fron·tis·piece nounChineseSyllable  picture photograph beginning of Corpus at a the a or




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