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单词 freely
释义 Word family  noun freebie freedom adjective free verb free adverb free freely  free·ly /ˈfriːli/ ●●○ adverb  1  without anyone stopping or limiting something 自由地;不受限制地 the country’s first freely elected president 该国首位自由选举产生的总统 EU members are allowed to travel freely between member states. 欧盟成员国国民可以在成员国之间自由旅行。talk/speak/write etc freely In France he could write freely, without fear of arrest. 在法国,他可以自由写作而不必担心被捕。 We went outside so that we could talk freely without being overheard. 我们走到外面,这样就可以自由畅谈而不会被人听到。2  if something moves freely, it moves smoothly and nothing prevents it from doing this 无阻碍地,畅通地 She was breathing freely. 她呼吸顺畅。 If your muscles are tense, blood cannot circulate freely. 如果肌肉紧张,血液就不能畅通地循环。 The injury prevented him from moving freely. 这次受伤使他不能活动自如。3  freely available AVAILABLEvery easy to obtain 唾手可得的 Information is freely available on the Internet. 因特网上信息唾手可得。4  freely admit/acknowledge something ADMITto agree that something is true, even though telling the truth is difficult or embarrassing 坦率地承认某事物 They freely admitted using the drug. 他们坦率地承认吸毒。5  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTgenerously and willingly 慷慨地,大方地 She gave freely to charity. 她慷慨捐献善款。Examples from the Corpusfreely• Thomas could not find anyone with whom he could speak freely.• This allows harmonics and noise to pass freely.• Foreign tourists will be allowed to leave the country freely.• If your muscles are tense and tight, blood cannot circulate freely.• Ms. Tate freely acknowledges that she hasn't paid the fines, but argues she should not have to.• I freely admit I made many mistakes.• This he freely admitted, although, even so, neither he nor Mama would ever reveal what his real name was.• The personal consequences of complete isolation in hospital for patients and families who have previously socialised freely are potentially enormous.• Mrs. Atwood's note said that she freely chose to end her life.• You tell them that this is the card that they have freely chosen.• Gamers freely download them from myriad sites.• the country's first freely elected president• Sugar is given away freely in restaurants.• He enters freely into public debate from his close attention to most subjects, but he is no Orator.• She told me so freely on more than one occasion.• For most of the year, farmers allow the sheep to roam freely on the hillsides.• TV companies need the ability to operate freely, with the minimum of government interference, • In England he could write freely, without fear of freely• We can't hold meetings or travel freely.• Ernest Bevin's utopian vision of going to Victoria Station and travelling freely abroad without documents of identity has finally faded.• The eyes can travel freely along the series of dots comprising the line.• He and his wife Mary lived in London, unable to travel freely and even avoided by some of his fellow scientists.• Traffic was travelling freely, east and west, along the North Circular Road yesterday.circulate freely• A buffet meal is much easier and more sociable, enabling you to circulate freely.• Avoid very sweaty armpits because sweat quickly decomposes in areas where air does not circulate freely.• They like open situations where fresh air can move through and circulate freely.• Other cell types - leucocytes and blood platelets - spend much of their time circulating freely and thus showing no adhesive interactions.• Boards should be positioned in storage so that air can circulate freely around both main faces.• The principle is to support the crop above the ground and to allow the air to circulate freely through it.gave freely• She was talkative and forthright in her opinions, which she gave freely and often without the qualification for doing so.• He gave freely of his services over a wide field of interests.• He was a friendly and generous man, who gave freely to the·ly adverbChineseSyllable  or without anyone limiting stopping Corpus something




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