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单词 frazzled
释义  fraz·zled /ˈfræzəld/ adjective informal  TIREDfeeling tired and anxious, for example after a journey or because you are very busy 疲惫烦躁的 The meeting left me feeling completely frazzled. 这会开得我精疲力竭、烦躁不安。Examples from the Corpusfrazzled• As the summer wore on, Fonti began to get a little frazzled.• Some parents say they feel frazzled most nights.• The worst of it was that these frazzled plants would not, could not respond.• Then let Vibes soothe your frazzled retinas in glorious monochrome!• I have a pair of brown suede brogues that are really worn and I prefer them in their frazzled state!Origin frazzled (1800-1900) Perhaps from fazle “to twist together” ((15-19 centuries)) (influenced by → FRAY1)fraz·zled adjectiveChineseSyllable  and anxious, feeling after journey tired a example Corpus for




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