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单词 fragmentary
释义  frag·ment·a·ry /ˈfræɡməntəri $ -teri/ adjective  PIECEconsisting of many different small parts 碎片的;片断的;不完整的5a fragmentary account零星的叙述n a fragmentary account of the incidentExamples from the Corpusfragmentary• The beginnings of cable and satellite policy showed the dangers of such a fragmentary approach.• The palaeontologist is like a detective trying to reconstruct a full story from a few fragmentary clues.• We also know that the fossil record is fragmentary in the extreme.• The whole text has a fragmentary, indefinite quality.• Other fragmentary legislation is to be found in recent years, e.g. the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975.• But I think it also reflected his sense of the inherent fragmentary nature of life.• The novel's quest-story takes us into a mosaic of texts, parodies, translations, allusions and fragmentary quotations.• I have only a fragmentary recollection of the house where I grew up.frag·ment·a·ry adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus parts different small many of consisting




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