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单词 forcibly
释义 Word family  noun force forcefulness adjective forceful forcible forced verb force adverb forcefully forcibly  for·ci·bly /ˈfɔːsəbli $ ˈfɔːrs-/ adverb  1  using physical force 用强力,用武力 The police threatened to have protestors forcibly removed. 警方威胁要强行驱走示威者。2  in a way that has a strong clear effect 清楚有力地 SYN powerfully The case was forcibly put by the speaker. 发言人有力地阐述了理由。Examples from the Corpusforcibly• Voices buzzed, then rose in laughter or to make a point more forcibly.• Members of a breakaway group who blocked traffic in University Square the same evening were forcibly dispersed by police.• Smith showed that water was forcibly ejected from the mouth when the gill covers were squeezed suddenly.• The second way of life is based upon the will of a minority forcibly imposed upon the majority.• The police threatened to forcibly remove the protesters.• The university authorities did not wish to provoke the students by forcibly removing the posters.• Instead, it has rightly be forcibly restored to being a surprise element.• At once both prisoners were made forcibly to kneel and lower their heads.• This patient was bound to be extremely distressed at finding that a male doctor had forcibly touched her intimately.forcibly removed• They were forcibly removed by the National Guard a week later.• Why had that doctor and priest not forcibly removed Cormac and Kathleen?• He was roughly handled by the mob and forcibly removed from the town.• The contents were immediately consigned to the rubbish tip and the girl forcibly removed in the direction of the bath huts.• I forcibly removed the finger, almost having to break it in the process.for·ci·bly adverbChineseSyllable  force using physical Corpus




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