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单词 forcible
释义 Word family  noun force forcefulness adjective forceful forcible forced verb force adverb forcefully forcibly  for·ci·ble /ˈfɔːsəbəl $ ˈfɔːr-/ adjective  SCFORCE somebody TO DO somethingdone using physical force 强行的;用暴力的 the forcible overthrow of the government 暴力推翻政府 signs of forcible entry into the building 强行入楼的迹象Examples from the Corpusforcible• Maud talked with a mixture of pedantry and horse sense that impressed him as singular and forcible.• Juveniles 15 and older committing rape or forcible assault are named prominently in offenses automatically transferred to adult court.• Any attempt at forcible conquest - by the word or by the sword - could easily have been neutralised or repelled.• It was not licence he wanted; alas! not even freedom - his goal was the forcible enlightenment of mankind ...• There was no indication of forcible entry.• Elizabeth watched with fascinated horror the forcible feeding practised on the poor children.• Should the doctor and nurses apply forcible feeding?for·ci·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  using done force Corpus physical




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