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单词 antique
释义  an·tique1 /ˌænˈtiːk◂/ ●○○ adjective [usually before noun]  OLD/NOT NEWantique furniture, jewellery etc is old and often valuable 〔家具、珠宝等〕古时制造的,古董的 an antique rosewood desk 古董红木书桌► see thesaurus at oldExamples from the Corpusantique• a lovely antique desk• I imagined dead mice and old wires curled recklessly in the walls, rusty pipes among antique fixtures.• Jacobs collects antique fountain pens.• Above, on a wooden platform, are the mill stones, accompanied by one or two antique items of interest.• We went on a tour of the ancient manuscripts, the antique mazes.• A television set rested on an antique pine blanket-chest at the foot of the bed.• She got up and crossed to a little antique rosewood desk with pigeonholes and tiny drawers along the top.• Public rooms include a cosy old fashioned bar and a magnificent antique salon with piano, overlooking the garden.• I just want to look into that antique shop.• I, I saw those in an antique store, mom.Related topics: Furnitureantique2 ●○○ noun [countable]   DHFOLD/NOT NEWa piece of furniture, jewellery etc that was made a very long time ago and is therefore valuable 古董,古玩,古物 The palace is full of priceless antiques. 宫殿里到处都是价值连城的古董。 They bought the clock at an antique shop in Bath. 他们在巴斯一家古玩店里买了这只钟。 an antique dealer (=someone who buys and sells antiques) 古玩商Examples from the Corpusantique• an antiques dealer• While some of the people attending were looking to decorate their own houses, most appeared to be antique dealers.• So many antiques that Architectural Digest magazine devoted a lengthy article to the subject in its November issue.• The place was full of antiques, exhibited rather than used.• Prices of antiques at auction now, however, are very high.• Other exemptions -- such as for fine art or antiques -- can push that limit higher.• Gasp, just north of Wilshire, offers imported furniture, plus antiques and home accessories.• But for the museum-quality antiques, he is a Renaissance craftsman.• Philpott understood the gesture and browsed through the antiques until the lone customer had left the shop.• The house is full of valuable antiques.antique dealer• Christoffers has cultivated a network among antiques dealers, collectors and museum staff who will allow her to copy their prize pieces.• Last summer, a friend of mine, an antique dealer, had too much to drink.• Rudy was a loud-mouthed, crude man in flashy clothes who said he was an antique dealer.• It casts more doubt on Wallace's conviction in 1981 of the killing of his friend, antique dealer Jonathan Lewis.• Jasper had told me he had a store on East Twelfth Street, as do many antique dealers.• We can only stress that no reputable antiques dealer would ever conduct business on a doorstep.• He had come to find out more about the antique dealer.Origin antique1 (1400-1500) French Latin antiquus, from ante “before”an·tique1 adjectiveantique2 nounChineseSyllable  antique old often and Corpus etc furniture, jewellery is valuable




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