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单词 anticipation
释义 Word family  noun anticipation adjective anticipatory anticipated ≠ unanticipated verb anticipate  an·tic·i·pa·tion /ænˌtɪsəˈpeɪʃən/ ●○○ AWL noun [uncountable]  1  EXPECTwhen you are expecting something to happen 预期,预料,期望 She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive. 她急切地期盼着罗伯特到来。 Taylor was excited and full of anticipation at the prospect of the trip. 泰勒很兴奋,对这次旅行满怀期待。2  do something in anticipation of something to do something because you expect something to happen 因预料到某事而做某事 The workers have called off their strike in anticipation of a pay offer. 工人们预料到资方会提供薪酬调整方案,便取消了罢工。Examples from the Corpusanticipation• By rights, she knew she ought to be feeling extra anticipation now.• We looked out the windows goggle-eyed in anticipation of fiery death.• The king extended the period of the trial in anticipation of objections from the Harrisons' enemies.• In anticipation and retrospect, holidays come into their own.• The crowd's mood was one of anticipation.• Were those somehow frightening sensations of pleasure followed by an instinctive guilt and terrible anticipation?an·tic·i·pa·tion nounChineseSyllable  happen are expecting you when something Corpus to




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