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单词 antedate
释义  an·te·date /ˈæntɪdeɪt, ˌæntɪˈdeɪt/ verb [transitive]  formalBEFORE to come from an earlier time in history than something else 比…早,先于,早于 SYN predate OPP postdate The economic troubles antedate the current administration. 这些经济问题早在现任政府就职之前就已出现。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusantedate• This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.• That debate antedated the disclosure of the contents of the present documents.• They felt that the despair long antedated the neoplasms and that their becoming fatally ill merely confirmed what they already·te·date verbChineseSyllable  history come an from something in time Corpus earlier to than




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