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单词 folder
释义 Word family  noun fold folder adjective folded folding verb fold unfold  Related topics: Offices, Daily life, Computersfold·er /ˈfəʊldə $ ˈfoʊldər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1. BBODa container for keeping loose papers in, made of folded card or plastic 文件夹 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A8 In the office 办公室里 →5 see picture at 见图 office, stationery2. TDa group of related documents that you store together on a computer 〔计算机里储存相关文件的〕文件夹Examples from the Corpusfolder• He took out a folder and wrote in it for a few minutes.• You can now drag and drop any folder, or shortcut within a folder, and place them within your new category.• They allow you to get to the same file from many different folders without having to make copies of that file.• The program allows you to group related documents in folders.• Soon the first Iomega folder had reached its capacity of about 500 messages and a new one was started.• One of them is sitting, poised like a crab about to scuttle, the fingers steadying a fresh Government-issue folder.• Piles of paper folders are everywhere.• Keep your orders and shipping together in a separate folder so you can refer to them later something goes amiss.• The tall woman strode to his desk and laid the folder open in front of him.From Longman Business Dictionaryfolderfold‧er /ˈfəʊldəˈfoʊldər/ noun [countable]1a cover for keeping loose papers in, made of card or plasticAll the correspondence is in this folder.2COMPUTING a place in a computer where a group of related FILEs are stored, usually appearing on the screen as a picture of a folderMost programs automatically create a document folder on the desktop.fold·er nounChineseSyllable  keeping Business in, of papers made loose a container for Corpus




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