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单词 flower power
释义  Related topics: Youthˈflower ˌpower noun [uncountable]  SSYPPPthe ideas of young people in the 1960s and 70s who believed that peace and love were the most important things in life 权力归花,花之力〔指20世纪60、70年代年轻人的主张,认为和平与爱是生活中最重要的东西〕Examples from the Corpusflower power• It was a time for flower power and a return to nature and the simple ways.• They bloom earlier too, meaning more flower power per pound.• The date of this odd but interesting ballet might suggest intimations of flower power.• With spring in the air, why not let some flower power go to your head.• So buy a daffodil ... and give a new meaning to flower power.ˈflower ˌpower nounChineseSyllable  young and who in 70s people the 1960s ideas the Corpus of




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