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单词 flowering
释义 Word family  noun flower flowering adjective flowered flowery flowering verb flower deflower  flow·er·ing /ˈflaʊərɪŋ/ noun  the flowering of something formalSUCCESSFUL when something develops in a very successful way 某事物的顶峰时期[繁荣时期] The 19th century saw a flowering of science and technology. 19世纪见证了科学和技术的繁荣。Examples from the Corpusflowering• It is, in fact, the first flowering of fiscal revolt against the high taxes of the Nineties.• The basis was laid for the flowering of secular literature in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century.flow·er·ing nounChineseSyllable  in Corpus a very something when develops




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