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单词 first
释义  first1 /fɜːst $ fɜːrst/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  in a series 系列中FIRST coming before all the other things or people in a series 第一(位)的 Ella was his first girlfriend. 埃拉是他的首任女友。the first thing/time/day etc The first time I flew on a plane I was really nervous. 我第一次乘飞机时确实很紧张。 In the first year, all students take five courses. 第一年,所有学生都选五门课程。 He said the first thing that came into his head. 他想到什么就说什么。 the first step towards achieving a peace agreement 达成和平协议的第一步 There’s a meeting on the first Monday of every month. 每月第一个星期一都会开会。the first two/three/few etc I only read the first two chapters of the book. 我只读了这本书的前两章。 It rained during the first few days of the trip. 旅行的头几天在下雨。 The first and last mountain I climbed was Mount Rundle (=it was the only mountain I ever climbed). 伦多山是我爬过的第一座山,也是最后一座。2  for the first time used to say that something has never happened or been done before 初次,第一次 For the first time in his life he felt truly happy. 他这辈子第一次真正地感到幸福。 The survey revealed that, for the first time, there are more women in the workplace than men. 这次调查显示,职场里女性首次多于男性。 Not for the first time she wondered how he coped with so many children. 她不止一次想知道他是如何应付这么多小孩子的。3  main 主要的MAIN most important 最重要的,首要的 Our first priority is to maintain the standard of work. 我们的首要目标是保持工作的水准。 As I see it, my first responsibility is to my family. 在我看来,我首先要对我的家庭尽责。4  in the first place a) used to talk about the beginning of a situation, or the situation before something happened 一开始,起初 Why did you agree to meet her in the first place? 一开始你为什么同意见她? He wouldn’t have given you the job in the first place if he didn’t think you could do it. 要是他认为你干不了,一开始就不会给你那份工作的。 b) written used to give the first in a list of reasons or points 首先,第一〔用于列举理由或要点〕 Her success was secured by two factors. In the first place, she had the support of managers. 她的成功有两个因素作保证。首先,她得到了经理们的支持。5  in the first instance formalBEFORE at the start of a situation or series of actions 最初,第一,首先 The appointment of research officer will be for two years in the first instance. 研究员的初始任期为两年。 Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Human Resources Director. 如需查询,请先与人力资源主管联系。6  at first glance/sight the first time that you look at someone or something, before you notice any details 乍一看,最初看到时 At first glance the twins look identical. 这对双胞胎乍一看一模一样。 At first sight, there didn’t appear to be much damage. 乍看之下损失似乎不太大。 → love at first sight at love2(2)7. first things first FIRSTused to say that something should be done or dealt with first because it is the most important 重要的事先来,要紧的事先做8  (at) first hand PERSONALLY/YOURSELFif you see, experience, hear etc something at first hand, you see, experience etc it yourself, not through other people 第一手地,直接地 Many people have seen the horrors of war at first hand. 许多人亲眼目睹过战争的恐怖。 → first-hand9  first prize/place WINthe prize that is given to the best person or thing in a competition 一等奖/第一名win/take first prize She won first prize in a painting competition. 她在一次绘画比赛中得了第一。first prize/place of There is a first prize of £10,000. 一等奖奖金为一万英镑。10  first choice BESTthe thing or person you like best 首选,第一选择 John was our first choice as a name for the baby. “约翰”是我们给宝宝取名的首选。11  first thing EARLYas soon as you get up in the morning, or as soon as you start work 早晨一醒来;一上班 I’ll call you first thing tomorrow. 我明天一上班就打电话给你。 We’re leaving first thing. 我们早晨一醒来就出发。12  at first light literaryEARLY very early in the morning 一大早,天一亮 The search will resume at first light tomorrow. 明天天一亮继续搜寻。13  make the first move FIRSTto be the person who starts to do something when someone else is too nervous, embarrassed etc to do it 〔在别人紧张、尴尬等时〕首先采取行动,率先挺身而出 He was glad she had made the first move and kissed him. 他很高兴她主动吻了他。14  not have the first idea about something  (also not know/understand the first thing about something)NOT KNOW to not know anything about a subject, or not know how to do something 对某事一窍不通[一无所知] I wouldn’t have the first idea about what to do in that situation. 我若遇此情形就会无所适从。 I don’t know the first thing about cars. 我对汽车一窍不通。15  the first flush of something the beginning of a good period of time when you are young, successful etc 某事物[某人]的初期强盛阶段be in the first flush of passion/youth etc He was no longer in the first flush of youth. 他已不再青春年少。 The first flush of enthusiasm had passed. 热情高涨的初期已经过去。16  job title 职衔 used in the title of someone’s job or position to show that they have a high rank 〔用于职衔名称,表示职位高〕 the first officer 大副 the First Lord of the Admiralty 海军大臣17. first among equals IMPORTANTofficially on the same level as other people but really having more power 同级别中的领导者18. of the first water old-fashionedGOOD/EXCELLENT of the highest quality 第一流的,上等的,质量最高的Examples from the Corpusfirst• She made her first appearance on the stage in the 1950s.• She had her first baby in 1998.• I read the first chapter and got so scared I couldn't finish the book.• I've only read the first chapter, but it seems like a really good book.• I still remember my first day of school.• Put the first five ingredients into a large pot and simmer gently for an hour.• the first Monday of every month• Laurie's name was first on the list.• Our first priority is to maintain the quality of the product.• The first thing I ever had published was an article for the Boy Scout magazine.• Jenkins left his first wife after only two years of marriage.first and last• Instead of pressing the spacebar anywhere between the first and last characters of the text, press the Home spacebar.• These records included the first and last dates of all absences and the reason for absence.• At Banff I climbed my first and last mountain - Mount Rundle.• I sat back and treated myself to a cigarette, determined to make it the first and last of the day.• And a system whose first and last resort was all too often expediency.• For the first and last time in her life, Amelia was too preoccupied to interact with her peers.• It was the first and last time that management capitulated in the face of a departing mortgage trader.• She wrote that she was dying of a fever, and asked him to visit her for the first and last time.first2 ●●● S1 W2 adverb  1  before anything or anyone else 最先,最早 Cindy and Joe arrived first. 辛迪和乔最早到达。 An extra five points will be given to the team that finishes first. 最先完成的队将再加五分。 First of all we’d better make sure we’ve got everything we need. 首先,我们最好确保所需的东西都齐了。2  before doing anything else, or before anything else happens 先,首先 I’ll join you in a minute but I need to make a phone call first. 我一会儿就来,但是我得先打个电话。3  done for the first time 首次,第一次 The book was first published in 2000. 此书2000年首次出版。4  at the beginning of a situation or activity 开始之时,最初 When we were first married we lived in Toronto. 我们刚结婚时住在多伦多。 We first became friends when we worked together. 我们最初是在共事时成为朋友的。5  [sentence adverb] (also first of all) used before saying the first of several things you want to say 第一,首先 SYN firstly First, I’d like to thank everyone for coming. 首先,我要感谢各位的光临。6  first off informal a) before doing anything else 先,首先 First off I’d like you all to fill in an evaluation sheet. 首先我想请各位填写一张评估表。 b) used before saying the first of several things you want to say, especially when you are annoyed 首先〔用于想说的几件事之前,尤用于生气时〕 First off I didn’t agree with the comments in your email. 首先,我不同意你电子邮件里的意见。7  first up British English spoken informal used to introduce the first thing you are going to talk about, or the first thing that is going to happen 第一样东西,第一件事 First up is the Blues song ‘Mississippi Lad’. 第一首是蓝调歌曲《密西西比小伙》。8  put somebody/something first to consider someone or something as the most important person or thing 认为某人/某事最重要,把某人/某事放在第一位 We need to choose energy policies that put the environment first. 我们得选择把环境放在首位的能源政策。 Businesses should always put the customer first. 企业应该始终把顾客放在第一位。9  come first a) to be the most important person or thing to someone 成为〔某人〕最重要的人[物],处于最重要地位 The care and well-being of patients should always come first. 病人的护理和健康应该始终放在第一位。 As far as I’m concerned, the children come first. 就我而言,孩子最重要。come first with Business always came first with Luke. 对卢克来说,生意总是第一位的。 b) to win a competition 获得第一come first in The choir came first in all sections of the competition. 该合唱团在比赛中一路过关斩将夺得桂冠。10  first and foremost used to emphasize the most important quality, purpose, reason etc 首先,首要的是〔用于强调〕 Dublin is thought of first and foremost for its literary heritage. 都柏林首先让人想到的是它的文学遗产。11  first and last used to emphasize that something is the most important thing or quality 主要地〔强调是最重要的事或品质〕 She regarded herself as a teacher first and last, not a writer. 她认为自己主要是个教师,而不是作家。12  first come, first servedfirst served first come used to say that something will be given to the people who ask for it first, when there is not enough for everyone 先到先得 Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 票的发放遵循先到先得的原则。n GrammarChoosing the right tenseFirst is used with the simple past: We first met in 2005. ✗Don’t say: We have first met in 2005.Word order• First usually comes before a main verb: I first went to Paris two years ago.• First comes after ‘be’ when it is the main verb: I was first in Paris two years ago.• First comes after the first auxiliary: When did you first realize you wanted to be a doctor? THESAURUSfirst/firstly used when mentioning the first in a list of reasons, arguments, or questions to consider 首先I want you to consider these three points in your essay: first, what is the writer’s attitude to the war in this poem ... 我希望你能在文章中阐述以下三点: 首先,本诗中作者对战争的态度…There are several reasons for this conclusion. Firstly ... 本结论基于以下理由: 首先…first of all used especially to emphasize that the first of several things you are going to say is the most important thing 首先〔尤用于强调所说的第一件事最重要〕The content of the article must, first of all, be accurate. 文章的内容首先必须准确无误。First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last two years. 首先,非常感谢在过去两年里所有支持过我们的人。in the first place spoken (also for a start British English) spoken used when giving the first and most important reason or example, especially when you are arguing or discussing something with someone 首先〔用于列举重要理由或事例,尤在辩论或讨论时用〕Our main priority should be better public transport – in the first place to reduce the amount of traffic on our roads. 我们的重点应当是改善公共交通——首先要减少马路上的车流量。He’s not the right person for the job. For a start he’s too young. 他不是这份工作的合适人选。首先,他太年轻。to begin with/to start with spoken used when telling someone the first and most important thing that you want to say 首先〔用于说明最先以及最重要的事〕There are numerous activities on offer. To start with there are over 60 miles of walks with splendid views. 有各式各样的活动可供选择。首先便是长达60多英里的徒步观景之旅。nLet me tell you something about him. To begin with, he is the most difficult man that I know. Examples from the Corpusfirst• "Shall we go for some lunch?" "Yeah, great, let me just make a quick call first."• Who's going first?• I always read the sports page of the newspaper first.• It's mine - I saw it first.• Shall we go out now, or do you want to eat first?• Shall we fill in the forms first, and get that out of the way?• We first became friends when we were teenagers.• When she first became pregnant, she contemplated an abortion, but eventually gave birth.• Yet it was designed in the 1970s, and first flew in 1981; the technology is rooted in those days.• Meanwhile, sociologists quote statistics that suggest that women who establish careers first have relatively small probabilities of getting married.• When I first heard about what happened, I thought it was a joke.• You can borrow the book, but first I've got to find it.• Johnson finished first in the 100-meter dash.• This strategy has worked best for those who were first in the cyber economy, the pioneers of the landless continent.• First, Jack would not allow it, and second, I don't think Mom would like it much either.• I'll help you with your homework, but first let me finish the dishes.• I first met Bobby when he enrolled in a summer program I had developed for underprepared students.• Simmons' book was first published in Australia last year.• It was here that I first started to get a closer feel for what the military operations were.• We have to think about that first, the Marlins second.• Add the onions and garlic first, then the mushrooms.First of all• Vincente frowned. First of all he picked up my clubs, pronounced them useless and advised me to sell them forthwith.• But some people were not happy about the accident. First of all, her boyfriend, Drew Stephens.• Dear Bash First of all I'd like to compliment you on such a brill and fabbo magazine.• I swung my boots up on to the bed and stretched out full length. First of all, I was not dead.• Well yes actually. First of all, it still costs £21,500 and for the money, almost nothing even gets close.• Now these are not going to be here for very much longer. First of all, the tank is too small.• I unpacked all the things he'd bought. First of all, there was G.P.'s picture.• First of all , we'd better make sure we have everything we need.first3 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  at first used to talk about the beginning of a situation, especially when it is different now 起初 At first, Gregory was shy and hardly spoke. 起先,格雷戈里很害羞,几乎不说话。 I felt quite disappointed at first. 起初我感觉很失望。2  [countable usually singular] something that has never happened or been done before 第一个[次]first for The 3–0 defeat was a first for the team. 0比3失利对该队来说是前所未有的。 These results are firsts in the history of women’s athletics. 这些成绩在女运动员历史上是第一次。 ‘I think he’ll agree to it.’ ‘That will be a first.’ “我想他会同意的。”“那倒是破天荒头一遭。”3  from the (very) first from the beginning of a situation 从一开始 I was against the idea from the first. 我一开始就反对那个主意。 I should have known from the first that the relationship would never work. 我一开始就该知道这种关系是不可能有结果的。4  [countable] the highest mark you can get in a university degree in Britain 〔英国大学学位中的〕优等成绩,最高成绩 Helen got a first in Law. 海伦获得了法学学位的优等成绩。5  [uncountable] the lowest gear in a car or other vehicle, that you use when moving slowly 〔汽车等交通工具的〕一挡,最低挡 SYN first gearin first You should be in first on a hill like this. 上这样的山坡你应该挂一挡。 He put the car into first and roared away. 他把车挂到一挡,轰隆隆地开走了。Examples from the CorpusThat will be a first• Barbara has won countless glamorous grandmother contests since becoming the first ever winner of the Widnes title in 1977.• Get the men digging first though.• In essence, this was his first fight since Garcia, which was almost a year ago.• Stuart shook his head, and for the first time I saw that he was honestly impressed.• The company's first problem was with the ASICs which proved six months late.• The moon was high and the first birds had begun calling from the shrubs and marsh grass by the edge.• The ratios generated by the capture-recapture method display a remarkable similarity and identical ranking to those obtained by the first two methods.• The spirited debate that follows is cut off by the bell for the first bus.first4 ●●● S2 W2 pronoun  1  the first the first person to do something, or the first thing to happen 第一个人;首次出现的事物 There are now many similar housing projects but this was the first. 现在类似的住宅项目有许多,但在当时这一项目是首创。 We hope this year’s festival will be the first of many. 我们希望今年的节庆活动只是一个开始。the first to do something I always thought my sister would be the first to get married. 我一直认为我姐姐会第一个结婚。 James was the first to arrive. 詹姆斯第一个到达。2  the first I knew/heard used when you have just discovered something that other people already know, and you are slightly annoyed 我第一次知道/听说〔指刚知道其他人已知之事,并略感气恼〕 The first I knew he was in York was when I got an email from him. 我收到他的电子邮件才知道他在约克。the first I knew/heard of/about The first I knew about it was when Tony called me. 托尼打电话来我才知道这件事。3  the First spoken used after the name of a king, queen, or pope when other later ones have the same name 一世〔用于国王、女王或教皇的名字后〕 Queen Elizabeth the First (=written as Queen Elizabeth I) 女王伊丽莎白一世Origin first1 Old English fyrstfirst1 adjective →10-18first2 adverb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1first3 nounfirst4 pronounLDOCE OnlineChinese  coming Corpus things all in or a the before people other




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