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单词 fir
释义  Related topics: Plants, Forestryldoce_098_bfir /fɜː $ fɜːr/ noun [countable]  HBPTAFa tree with leaves shaped like needles that do not fall off in winter 冷杉,枞 a fir tree 冷杉树 →5  See picture of FIR 冷杉Examples from the Corpusfir• You always clear away the soft topsoil till you get a fir base.• At night, they lay on beds made from the branches of balsam firs.• Sparkle's hull was built of two laminates of diagonally laid red cedar on an inner core of longitudinal Douglas fir.• He's awa' jist noo, but he's always hame fir Christmas.• It hides everywhere from everywhere as each point of perspective is gained by herds of resinous firs.• The basement behind formed the firs fire station with its antediluvian engine, and opposite was the police station.• When some mice found the garret, the fir tree was happy for the company.Origin fir Old English fyrhfir nounChinese  needles shaped a that with like leaves tree do Corpus




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