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单词 similar
释义 Word family  noun similarity ≠ dissimilarity adjective similar ≠ dissimilar adverb similarly  sim·i·lar /ˈsɪmələ, ˈsɪmɪlə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL adjective  LIKE/SIMILARalmost the same 相似的,近似的,类似的 OPP different → alike We have similar tastes in music. 我们对音乐的品位相近。 Both approaches seem to achieve similar results. 两种方法都得出了相似的结果。 A number of his friends had been affected in a similar way. 他的一些朋友也受到了类似的影响。 The two products look quite similar. 这两种产品看上去很相似。similar to Her ideas are quite similar to mine. 她的观点和我的很相似。similar in The two cars are very similar in size and design. 这两辆汽车大小和设计都非常相似。broadly/roughly similar The two groups have broadly similar aims. 这两个组织目标大致相似。remarkably/strikingly similar The speech was strikingly similar to one given by the American president earlier this year. 这个演讲和美国总统在今年早些时候发表的演讲惊人地相似。 → similarlyn GRAMMAR: Prepositions with similar• Someone or something is similar to another person or thing: His surname is similar to mine. ✗Don’t say: His surname is similar with mine.• People or things are similar in size, appearance, shape, character etc: My sister and I are similar in character.n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery similarI was in a very similar situation not so long ago.broadly/roughly similarThe new employment terms and conditions will be broadly similar to those currently in place.remarkably/strikingly/startlingly similarThe results of each study are remarkably similar.quite/fairly similarThe two species are quite similar.somewhat similarTheir reactions were somewhat similar. THESAURUSsimilar adjective almost the same 相似的,近似的,类似的Jo said she’d had a similar experience. 乔说她有过类似的经历。The colours are very similar, but I like this one best. 这些颜色都很像,但我最喜欢这种颜色。like preposition similar to something or someone else 像,类似It tastes a little like chicken. 味道有点像鸡肉。She still looks like a teenager. 她看上去还是像十几岁的人。alike adjective [not before noun] very similar – used especially about the way people look or behave 尤指人的外表或行为〕很相似的,相像的She and her sister look alike. 她和她妹妹长得很像。Lawyers are all alike - I don’t trust them. 律师都一样——我不相信他们。close adjective very similar 非常相似的The film bears a close resemblance to real life (=is very similar). 这部影片和现实生活非常相似。The painting is remarkably close to the original. 这幅画酷似原作。much the same very similar 几乎相同的,差不多的The glass is still made in much the same way as it was 100 years ago. 玻璃的制作方法依然和一百年前几乎一样。People are much the same, wherever you go. 人都差不多,不管你到哪里。nShe still looks very much the same.identical adjective exactly the same 一模一样的The two computers were identical in design. 这两台电脑设计上一模一样。identical names 相同的名字matching adjective having the same colour, style, pattern etc as something else – used about clothes or furniture that you wear or use together 〔衣服或家具的颜色、风格、式样等〕相配的She wore matching silver shoes and handbag. 她脚上穿的银色鞋子和手提包很配。a dining table and matching chairs 一张餐桌和配套的椅子akin to something formal fairly similar to something 和某事物相似These dialects are akin to Arabic, though different in several respects. 这些方言与阿拉伯语相似,但在若干方面有所不同。Examples from the Corpussimilar• It's bigger than Jim's room, but it's very similar.• When you look at these two carpets, you can see that the patterns are very similar.• Its emerging democratic polity and guided market economy are also similar.• It has not yet been well defined, whether a similar approach is justified for bile duct injury after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.• Bold face letters represent amino acids identical or similar between two proteins with the numbers of amino acid residues.• Scaevola's case resembles Celsus'; and there is a similar case in Ulpian.• These regions have similar inflation outlooks, low-cost labor and projected growth rates two to four times our own growth rate.• The present position is that various countries have enacted data protection laws which have similar patterns but significant differences of detail.• The law has served as a model for similar policies in other states.• I know how you feel, because I have a similar problem.• These samples have been found to be very similar socioeconomically to a representative sample.• The Marines also experimented with fast-attack vehicles, similar to dune buggies.• Do you have anything similar to this material but cheaper?remarkably/strikingly similar• By 8, an age when problems at school often emerge because of increased academic expectations, both groups were remarkably similar.• Despite the difference in overall level of performance the relationship between risk and recognition performance in the two studies was remarkably similar.• To my mind they are remarkably similar.• For those aged over 65 the responses were remarkably similar for both males and females.• These cases have followed a strikingly similar pattern.• All 43 Texas Cowboys and pledges who were at the initiation picnic in Bastrop County tell strikingly similar stories about that night.• The comet Tempel-Tuttle follows an orbit that is strikingly similar to that of the Leonids.• Often Dawson's ideas are remarkably similar to those of Eliot.Origin similar (1500-1600) French similaire, from Latin similis “like, similar”sim·i·lar adjective →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus the almost same




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