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单词 finch
释义  finch /fɪntʃ/ noun [countable]   HBAa small bird with a short beak 雀科鸣禽Examples from the Corpusfinch• The ash seeds will probably again attract finch flocks, but I have not seen the squirrels feeding on them.• He waxed vehement about dinosaurs and extinction, about continental drift and the good old Galapagos finch.• The baby robins, scrub jays, finches, sparrows and starlings opened their mouths wide in anticipation.• But there are a few exceptions in the seed-eating species like finches and buntings.• A purple finch sings ebulliently for hours.• In fact, Darwin initially distinguished only six of Gould's eventual 13 separate forms as members of the finch family.• Most of the finches die and, at once, selection sets to work.Origin finch Old English fincfinch nounChinese  beak a short small Corpus a bird with




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