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单词 finality
释义 Word family  noun final semi-final finalist semi-finalist finale finality finalization adjective final verb finalize adverb finally  fi·nal·i·ty /faɪˈnæləti/ AWL noun [uncountable]  FINISH/COME TO AN ENDthe quality something has when it is finished or complete and cannot be changed 定局,终结a sense/air of finality The word ‘retirement’ has a terrible air of finality about it. “退休”这个词有终结的可怕意味。Examples from the Corpusfinality• There's a dreadful finality about cutting down a tree.• When an enactment is passed there is finality unless and until it is amended or repealed by Parliament.• Aquinas himself saw no finality in the solutions offered by either Aristotle or Ptolemy to the problems of planetary motion.• Several efforts to reach finality have failed and the situation remains unresolved.• She announced her impending departure with finality and sadness in her voice.• It has to be unfair to put some one through the stress of a trial without·nal·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  when is Corpus quality has something the it




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