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单词 filch
释义  Related topics: Crimefilch /fɪltʃ/ verb [transitive] informal  SCCto steal something small or not very valuable 偷〔小的或不贵重的东西〕 SYN British English pinch, nick He filched a bottle of wine from the cellar. 他从地窖里偷了一瓶酒。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfilch• But I'd be grateful for anything - even some idea of the scale of the funds they've been filching.• Some wag had already filched a target and pinned it on Sylvester's unknowing back.• She is there in the honesty of her perceptions, which are not secondhand, not filched from others.• Like the time she'd found Will Pegg's pockets full of iron nails he'd filched from Samson.• He often brought her scraps he had filched from the instructors' table.• I am sure in the dim and distant past it had been filched from the wall.• He filched them from my wardrobe when I kicked him out.• Where and how he managed to filch these secret texts will probably always remain a mystery.• Peters filched thousands of coins from the city's parking meters.Origin filch (1200-1300) Perhaps from Old English fylcan “to arrange soldiers, attack, take”filch verbChinese  not or small something very Corpus to valuable steal




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