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单词 fibre
释义  Related topics: Nutrition, Material & textiles, Human, Plantsfi·bre British English, fiber American English /ˈfaɪbə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun  1  [uncountable]DFN the parts of plants that you eat but cannot digest. Fibre helps to keep you healthy by moving food quickly through your body 〔植物的〕纤维素,食物纤维 Fruit and vegetables are high in fibre content. 水果和蔬菜的纤维素含量很高。 food that is high in dietary fibre 富含膳食纤维的食物2  [countable, uncountable]TIM a mass of threads used to make rope, cloth etc 〔用来做绳子、布等的〕纤维natural/synthetic/man-made etc fibre Nylon is a man-made fibre. 尼龙是一种人造纤维。3. [countable]DN a thin thread, or one of the thin parts like threads that form natural materials such as wood or carbon 〔木材、碳等天然材料的〕纤维4. nerve/muscle fibres HBAthe thin pieces of flesh that form the nerves or muscles in your body 神经/肌纤维5  with every fibre of your being literaryEMOTIONAL if you feel something with every fibre of your being, you feel it very strongly 极其地,全身心地 He wanted her with every fibre of his being. 他一心一意地想要她。 → moral fibre at moral1(2), optical fibreExamples from the Corpusfibre• Courtaulds España produces 62,000 tonnes of acrylic fibre a year.• The sample is trapped from a large volume of solution on to a coated fibre.• This intriguing finding from the surveys led medical researchers to investigations into a whole new aspect of dietary fibre.• It is difficult to join monomode fibre because the tiny cores must be accurately aligned.• Every tiny fragment of fibre, denim and leather was picked up and dropped in the bags.dietary fibre• This book must be available for all interested in nutrition and dietary fibre.• The role played by dietary fibre is of importance to this compartmentalisation because it binds bile acids.• This factor applies less with foods rich in dietary fibre, because these foods - happily - tend to be inexpensive.• So you will be taking in about twice as much dietary fibre in less than half as much food.• This intriguing finding from the surveys led medical researchers to investigations into a whole new aspect of dietary fibre.• Fresh fruit, for instance, being mainly water, provides only a dilute form of dietary fibre.• This is so of dietary fibre.• Apples are basically a mixture of water, sugar, dietary fibre and little else.natural/synthetic/man-made etc fibre• Although it is a natural fibre, it tends not to weather well.• A synthetic fibre with a foam or waffle backing is best.• The reason is that fruit juices are simply fruit stripped of its natural fibre content.• Hair is a marvellous natural fibre - you could almost compare it to pure silk thread.• They were given a grandstand view of how the world's first new man-made fibre for 30 years is manufactured.• Fresh water rotted natural fibre, while seawater preserved it.• And yet many foods are now refined to such an extent that the natural fibre has been·bre nounChineseSyllable   parts but Corpus you digest. eat plants the that of cannot




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