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单词 fetish
释义  fet·ish /ˈfetɪʃ/ noun [countable]  1  SYa desire for sex that comes from seeing a particular type of object or doing a particular activity, especially when the object or activity is considered unusual 〔看见某物品或做某事引起性欲的〕恋物〔尤为不寻常之物或事〕 a leather fetish 恋皮革癖2  OBSESSIONsomething you are always thinking about or spending too much time doing 迷恋的事[物] → obsessionfetish for/about Sue has a real fetish about keeping everything tidy. 休有把一切保持整洁的癖好。Examples from the Corpusfetish• Americans seem to have a fetish for watering their golf courses.• One of the problems with traditional remedial teaching has been that spelling and neatness are fetishes.• According to Gandhi, it is when symbols become fetishes and embodiments of the divine, that they might be construed as idols.• Female fetishes include male bodily hair, buttocks and odours associated with the male.• a foot fetish• She told stories about the band's alcoholic binges, their arrests on drug charges, and even about one member's foot fetish.Origin fetish (1600-1700) French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço “artificial, false”fet·ish nounChineseSyllable  a from sex that desire a particular seeing for type Corpus comes




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