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单词 phone
释义  phone1 /fəʊn $ foʊn/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countable]  1  TELEPHONEa telephone 电话 Much of his work is done by phone. 他的工作大部分是通过电话进行的。 Who was that on the phone? 谁来的电话? I wish Amy would get off the phone. 我真希望埃米别再打电话了。 → cellphone, mobile phone, pay phonen GrammarYou say: She’s on the phone.She’s talking on her phone. ✗Don’t say: at the phone2  TELEPHONEthe part of a telephone into which you speak 电话听筒 SYN receiver He put the phone down on me (=ended the call before I had finished speaking). 我还没说完他就挂了电话。 COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsuse the phone 用电话Do you mind if I use your phone? 我用一下你的电话可以吗?the phone rings 电话铃响Around three o’clock, the phone rang. 大约三点钟时电话铃响了。answer the phone (also pick up the phone) 听电话,接电话My dad answered the phone. 我爸爸接的电话。put the phone down 挂电话I only remembered his name after I had put the phone down. 我挂上电话后只记得他的名字。nslam the phone down (=put it down hard, because you are angry)I was so mad I just slammed the phone (to somebody) on the phone (与某人)通电话We talk on the phone every day. 我们每天都通电话。nWe spoke earlier on the phone, if you remember.come to the phone 来接电话I’m sorry, she can’t come to the phone right now. 抱歉,她现在不能来听电话。be on the phone to somebody (=be talking to someone on the phone) 与某人通电话I was on the phone to my mother all morning. 整个上午我都在和妈妈通电话。nbe wanted on the phoneLarry, tell Rosemary that she’s wanted on the somebody on the phone 给某人打电话nI called her on the phone and invited her to Las Vegas.get on the phone to somebody (=call them) 给某人打电话nWe got on the phone to the hospital straight + NOUNa phone number 电话号码Can I have your phone number? 能把你的电话号码给我吗?a phone line (=a telephone wire or connection) 电话线nListeners jammed the phone lines, demanding to hear the song.a phone bill (=a bill for phone calls) 电话费账单nOur last phone bill was huge.a phone company (=one that provides a telephone service) 电话公司nI switched phone companies.a phone conversation 电话交谈nNeither man denies the phone conversation took place.phrasesthe phone is busy (also the phone is engaged British English) (=the person you are calling is already speaking to someone else) 电话正忙,电话占线I tried you earlier, but your phone was engaged. 我早些时候打过你的电话,但是占线。the phone goes/is dead (=the phone line stops working or is not working) 电话断线了,电话打不通nBefore he could reply, the phone suddenly went dead.the phone is off the hook (=it cannot be used because it is not connected or is already being used) 电话无法接通,电话占线nOn Friday nights we just take the phone off the hook and relax.n THESAURUSphone (also telephone formal)My wife was talking to someone on the phone.What’s your home phone number?The nearest telephone was in the school secretary’s phone British English (also mobile informal) a telephone that you can carry with you, that works by using a network of radio stations to pass on signalsEven children as young as eight have mobile phones.She always has her mobile switched off.cell phone American English (also cell informal) a mobile phoneYou can reach me on my cell phone.voice mail a system that records messages so that you can listen to them on your phoneLet me check my voice mail.text message (also text, SMS) a message from someone that you can read on your mobile phoneI got a text from Paul.landline a telephone that uses wires – used when comparing this with a mobile phoneCalls cost 25p from a landline, more from a mobile phone.receiver the part of a telephone that you pick up to listen and talkShe put down the receiver and started crying.Examples from the Corpusphone• I could hear a phone ringing in the next apartment.• One phone call could save a lot of hassle.• It was another reporter asking questions, so she just slammed down the phone.• They've been back on the phone again despite Portsmouth awarding him a new two-year contract!• Why hadn't Doug wanted to tell her on the phone?• Several hours later, I was talking to Pierluigi on the phone in Manhattan.• I was sorely tempted to show him the way to the phone booth, but I am not a vindictive man.• Many writers feeling good about their contribution have picked up the phone and been told to get cranking again.• The phone company maintains that the upgrade will not cause telephone rates to increase.• What's your phone number?• Can I use your phone?off the phone• He cut off the phone lines to the office of Vladimir Draitser, the joint venture director.• Jen goes, could I get off the phone now?• Finally just started standing there until she saw me get off the phone.• Alistair was just getting off the phone when I came in to change out of my good clothes.• Gebhardt said he saw no suspects when he got off the phone and discovered the items missing and the door ajar.• When he got off the phone, he felt scared of everything.• By the time she got off the phone I was dressed and tying my shoes.phone2 ●●● S1 (also phone up) verb [intransitive, transitive]  1 TELEPHONEto speak to someone by telephone (给…)打电话 I’ll phone you this evening. 今晚我会给你打电话。 Why didn’t they phone the police? 他们为什么没给警察打电话? For information phone 8279–3772. 欲知详情请拨打8279-3772。 Stevie phoned to say that he was going to be late. 史蒂维打来电话说他要迟到了。 I kept phoning her up, asking to meet her. 我不断给她打电话,要求见她一面。 Tell him to phone back (=telephone again at a later time) tomorrow. 叫他明天再打电话来。 ► You do not ‘phone to’ someone or ‘phone to’ a number. Phone is followed immediately by a noun or number: She phoned her friend Judy. | Phone 01279–623772 and ask to speak to 后面不要用 to 接某人或某号码,而是直接跟名词: She phoned her friend Judy. 她给朋友朱迪打了电话。 | Phone 01279-623772 and ask to speak to Elaine. 拨打01279-623772,找伊莱恩。2 phone in phrasal verb a) TELEPHONEto telephone the place where you work, especially in order to report something 打电话到自己的工作处〔尤指为报告某事〕 I’ll phone in and let them know. 我会打电话给单位,让他们了解情况。phone something ↔ in I’ll phone the report in tomorrow morning. 明天早晨我会打电话到公司汇报情况。 She phoned in sick (=telephoned to say that she was ill and could not come to work). 她打了电话请病假。b) TELEPHONEto telephone a radio or television show to give your opinion or ask a question 〔给电台或电视节目〕打进电话〔发表意见或提问〕 There’s still time to phone in before the end of the programme. 节目结束前还有时间可以打进电话。 → phone-in THESAURUSphone to speak to someone by telephone. Phone is more common in British English than American English 打电话〔英国英语比美国英语更常用此词〕I’ll phone you tomorrow. 我明天给你打电话。call to phone someone. Call is used in both British and American English 打电话〔英国英语和美国英语中都用此词〕One of the neighbors called the police. 有个邻居打电话报了警。Call me later. 稍后打给我。ring British English spoken to phone someone. Ring is more informal than phone or call 打电话〔与phone或 call相比较不正式〕I can ring her at the office tomorrow. 我明天可以从办公室给她打电话。give somebody a call (also give somebody a ring) spoken to phone someone 给某人打电话If you ever come to Seattle, give me a call. 如果你来西雅图,就给我打个电话。I’ll give the hospital a ring and see how he is. 我要给医院打个电话,问问他情况如何。telephone formal to phone someone 打电话Angry listeners telephoned the BBC to complain. 气愤的听众给英国广播公司打电话投诉。Skype /skaɪp/ trademark to make a telephone call using special software that allows you to make calls over the Internet 打Skype网络电话I Skyped her last night and we spoke for hours. 昨晚我和她打了Skype网络电话,聊了好几个小时。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusphone• He has often been phoned by cold callers trying the masculinity trip on him.• Let's phone for a pizza tonight.• I phoned her apartment, but she wasn't there.• Jackie goes upstairs to phone her husband at work, so that he might make a trip to the shops before visiting hour.• She phones me every other day.• The concerned kitchen staff phoned the embassy for a translation.• Any parent who is worried their child may have been in contact with the doctor can still phone the hospital for advice.• Strawberry phoned the Red Sox Wednesday in an attempt to get talks going but missed Duquette.• You can register for the program by phoning this number.• Jill phoned to tell you she'll see you tonight.• He guessed his Mum would phone when she got to work and then maybe again when she took her break at half-three.• I'll phone you if there's any news.-phone /fəʊn $ foʊn/ suffix  1  [in nouns]XX an instrument or machine relating to sound or hearing, especially a musical instrument 与声音[听力]有关的装置[机器] 尤指〕乐器 earphones (=for listening to a radio etc) 耳机 a saxophone 萨克斯管2  [in nouns] technicalSPEAK A LANGUAGE someone who speaks a particular language 讲…语言的人 a Francophone (=someone who speaks French) 讲法语的人3  [in adjectives]SPEAK A LANGUAGE speaking a particular language 讲…语言的 Francophone nations (=nations where French is spoken) 法语国家From Longman Business Dictionaryphonephone1 /fəʊnfoʊn/ noun [countable]TELECOMMUNICATIONS a piece of equipment you use to talk to someone who is in another placeSYN TELEPHONE → see also answerphone, smartphone → mobile phonephonephone2 (also phone up) verb [intransitive, transitive] especially British English to make a phone call to someoneSYN CALL, PHONEYou can phone our customer support line at any time.I phoned up yesterday to check if the order had been sent.→ See Verb tableOrigin -phone Greek -phonos “sounding”, from phone; PHON- phone1 (1800-1900) telephonephone1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1phone2 verb →THESAURUS1-phone suffixLDOCE OnlineChinese  telephone Corpus a Business




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